
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

 *                                                                     *
 *                X    X   XXXX   XXXXX    XXXX			       *
 *                XX  XX  X    X  X    X  X			       *
 *                X XX X  X    X  X    X   XXXX			       *
 *                X    X  X    X  X    X       X		       *
 *                X    X  X    X  X    X  X    X		       *
 *                X    X   XXXX   XXXXX    XXXX			       *
 *                                                                     *
 *	The following defines represent certain improvements and       *
 *	enhancements to the unix 'op sys'. To negate the effect of     *
 *	these changes just delete the define by commenting it out.     *
 *	Corrections of obvious deficiencies and so on are not to be    *
 *	`ifdefed' since they will always be required. See FIXES below  *
 *                                                                     *
 *	For those who intend to alter the 'op sys' please bear the     *
 *	following points in mind:                                      *
 *                                                                     *
 *	1. please indicate   time - date - who                         *
 *                                                                     *
 *	2. why was mod needed.  what was done.  how it was done.       *
 *	   which source modules were altered.  etc . . .	       *
 *                                                                     *
 *	3. any other information which may be considered helpful       *
 *	     for a person following your alterations.                  *
 *                                                                     *
 *						Ian J.		       *
 *                                                                     *

/* (not	_1170)
#define	_1170
	*	bio.c once.c m70.s l70.s trap.c user.h
	*	rdwri.c sys1.c
	*	includes stuff specific to 70 cpu's.
	*	such as UNIBUS MAP etc...
	*	Use JNR m70.s which handles floating point properly,
	*	handles an 11/70 cpu as an 11/70 cpu - that is to
	*	say uses the ERROR registers properly etc...
	*	This entails altering 'trap' ,user.h and l.s

/* ( no UNIBUS_MAP )
#ifdef	_1170
#define	UNIBUS_MAP
#endif	_1170
	 *	bio.c	powerf.s m70.s
	 *	enable code for Unibus Map.
/* (not _1145)
#define	_1145
	*	bio.c once.c m45.s l45.s trap.c user.h
	*	rdwri.c sys1.c
	*	includes stuff specific to 45 cpu's.
	*	Use JNR m45.s which handles floating point properly,
	*	handles an 11/45 cpu as an 11/45 cpu - that is to
	*	say uses the ERROR registers properly etc...
	*	This entails altering 'trap' ,user.h and l.s

#define	_1140
	*	clock.c param.h slp.c
	*	includes stuff specific to 40 cpu's.

#define	FPU
	*	user.h	m70.s	m45.s
	*	FP11-b or FP11-c installed 

#define	RHSTART
	*	bio.c
	*	include code for newer type controllers
	*	e.g. RJP04 on RH70 or RP04 on RH11

/* (no DEVSTART)
#define	DEVSTART
	 *	bio.c
	 *	rk type contollers on system !!

/* (not PROG_CLOCK)
#define	PROG_CLOCK
	*	clock.c once.c
	*	if you have a programmable clock only
	*	saves some code ...

	*	Ian Johnstone	FEBRUARY '76	
	*	sig.c slp.c sys4.c sysent.c trap.c user.h
	*	sys1.c	text.c	text.h  once.c param.h
	*	New special a.out magic number 0412 signifies shared data
	*	segment (r/w text area).  Must be swapped out on last use
	*	not just abandoned.  Swap synchronization initially a problem,
	*	definitive solution made AUG 77 in conjunction with 
	*	LOWER_TEXT_SWAPS alteration.
	*	`x_spid' and word 6 of A.OUT header contain shared data
	*	identification field - inode pointer not good enough (not unique),
	*	since shared data segments are shared between any number
	*	of co-operating processes.
	*	Initially implemented to support UNSW batch system.
	*	P and V system calls implemented to allow process
	*	synchronization.  LKED does the linking needed for
	*	creation of 412 a.outs.
	*	db4.s needs to be altered to define text,data,stack size
	*	displacements in user.h. cdb,ddt too.

#define	ZOMBIE
	*	Chris Maltby	MARCH 77
	*	sys1.c	proc.h	sys4.c	slp.c	clock.c
	*	Several variables in the proc structure are used to store
	*	post-mortem information about processes.  This avoids the swap
	*	out & in of previous version for exit & wait.  Process
	*	terminations (exit&wait) go substantially faster.
	*	Alternative process structure pz_* contains definition of
	*	process area for dead processes.  A few of the scheduling
	*	routines have been altered so that no attempts are made
	*	to alter the process area of `dead'ns'.

#define	INIT_FIX
	*	Chris Maltby	MARCH 77
	*	sys1.c
	*	/etc/init (process one) only woken up when required.
	*	Previously every process termination in the system woke
	*	the init process. This is only necessary if the parent
	*	of the dying process is already dead. ``the whole piece
	*	of code that deals with this is still a mess''.
	*	PS needs to know of this alteration.
	*	Piers Lauder	AUGUST 77
	*	The whole thing re-written using a single scan of the
	*	proc array (up to 4 previously). MORE efficient. 
	*	Now the code is understandable.

	*	Chris Maltby	MARCH 77
	*	clock.c	param.h	user.h sys4.c sysent.c sig.c proc.h
	*	User area variables 'u.u_cpusec' and 'u.u_tix' contain
	*	seconds and clock ticks left before time limit expiry.
	*	A signal SIGCPULT is generated when
	*	cpusec becomes zero.  A process with a limit of zero is
	*	not restricted - this is normal state.
	*	Limit passed to children so that if `n' seconds
	*	to go before expiry before fork, after
	*	fork each process will have `n' seconds to go!!
	*	Ian Johnstone	AUGUST 77
	*	sys4.c sysent.c user.h
	*	New system call "clktim" is implemented by these changes.
	*	Allows user to request a signal SIGTIMEOUT in `n' seconds(real)
	*	`n' is passed in r0. If p_rtl is non-zero then a real
	*	time limit has been set. When a limit has been set
	*	the clock interrupt routine decrements p_rtl once a second
	*	until zero when the signal is sent. This involves little extra
	*	cost to the system as the whole proc array is scanned each
	*	second anyway. Main cost is extra word in process table entry.
	*	Limit passed to children so that if 'n' seconds
	*	to go before expiry before fork, after fork each process
	*	will have 'n' seconds before being signalled.

#define	GPROCS
	*	received JUNE 77 second mailing (Rand)
	*	sys1.c	sysent.c
	*	Returns system proc array to user. Returns also the number of
	*	process slots.
	*	PS modified to use this - makes PS go faster

#ifndef	ZOMBIE
	*	john lions class of '76
	*	sys1.c
	*	Shrink process to USIZE on entry to exit.
#endif	ZOMBIE

	*	Ian Johnstone & Andrew Hume SEPTEMBER 76
	*	alloc.c
	*	update() always updates on root file system super block.
	*	After booting time more likely to be correct.  Also allows
	*	knowledge of when a system crashed to within 30 seconds.
	*	Omitting to set date at BOOT of system less likley
	*	to cause havoc with incremental dumps.

#define EP_ADDRESS
	*	Craig McGregor	AUGUST 76
	*	sys1.c	user.h
	*	Implement entry point address as described in programmers
	*	manual.
	*	db4.s needs to be altered to define text,data,stack size
	*	displacements in user.h. ps,cdb,ddt too.
	*	see /usr/source/s1/errlog.c for error logger code.

#ifdef	_1140
#define	BIG_UNIX
	*	Jeff Rottman	jul 77
	*	once.c m40.s user.h
	*	This mod is a means of expanding the available addressing
	*	space for the resident operating system on pdp-11/40 style
	*	memory-management UNIX systems. A new linker `sysld' is
	*	used to generate such a system - A sysld command file specifies
	*	the division of the resident system into _s_e_g_m_e_n_t_s, one of
	*	which, the _r_o_o_t segment, is always addressable using
	*	segmentation pages 0 through 4. All the other segments
	*	share page 5, and are addressable only when running. Page
	*	6, as is usual, is reserved for the _U-table addressing, and
	*	page 7 for the I/O page.

#define	VICAR
	*	Chris Maltby JUNE 77	Ian Johnstone AUGUST 77
	*	systm.h user.h ( with side effects in tty.c )
	*	Utilize `u.u_heap' as scratch area for erase and delete
	*	processing.  Eliminates canonb[] from systm.h.
	*	Saves space.

	*	Piers Lauder	AUGUST 77
	*	m40.s m45.s clock.c param.h systm.h
	*	New timeout function utilises blocks off the clist
	*	for increased efficiency.

/* (not UN_TIMEOUT)
#define	UN_TIMEOUT
	*	Piers Lauder	AUGUST 77
	*	clock.c
	*	Allows cancellation of the effect of a previous call
	*	to timeout.

/* (not SETPSW)
#define	SETPSW
	*	clock.c sys4.c sysent.c trap.c m40.s m45.s

#define CBLOCK_16
	*	Piers Lauder   AUGUST 77
	*	m70.s m40.s m45.s once.c tty.c
	*	Allow larger cblocks. PUTC,GETC re-written to be 15% faster,
	*	as well as being parametric.

#define TTY_TRUE_RAW
	*	Piers Lauder	AUGUST 77
	*	tty.c tty.h & all tty drivers
	*	Allows the use of full 8 bit data
	*	on tty lines iff RAW flag set
	*	and other flags except HUPCL are reset.

	*	Piers Lauder	AUGUST 77
	*	tty.c tty.h & all tty drivers
	*	Provides suitable water marks for high speed terminals.

	*	Piers Lauder	AUGUST 77
	*	tty.c tty.h & getty stty
	*	Allows tty.c to drive DIABLO type terminals
	*	at high baud rates ( >= 1200 )

	*	Peter Hewitt & Dave Horsfall & Craig McGregor  	MAY 77
	*	once.c param.h
	*	Implement stack limit register.

#define	SMDATE
	*	UNIX version 6 with mod by Ian Johnstone AUGUST 77
	*	sys4.c sysent.c
	*	Enable smdate from level 6 system distribution.
	*	This call was originally commented out because of
	*	problems with incremental dumps - pseudo old
	*	files not dumped.  Smdate as implemented
	*	now only allows super-user to modify the access date
	*	hopefully super users know what they are doing.

#define	NEW_SLEEP
	*	Piers Lauder + Ian Johnstone	AUGUST 77
	*	proc.h sys2.c clock.c systm.h param.h sys4.c
	*	Sleep system calls now do unique sleeps
	*	( avoiding thrashing on wakeups of TOUT )
	*	Each proc entry has one additional word p_stl
	*	which when non-zero indicates that a sleep is in progress
	*	once a second the clock interrupt routine decrements this
	*	count, when reaches zero process woken up.  This involves
	*	little extra overhead as the proc array is already scanned
	*	once a second for other purposes.

#ifdef	 BIG_UNIX
#define	ONCE
	*	Ian Johnstone AUGUST 77
	*	once.c(main.c) slp.c tty.c bio.c alloc.c c.c
	*	Normally this change only in effect when BIG_UNIX is in effect
	*	however there exists no reason why ONCE can not be used without
	*	BIG_UNIX.  main.c renamed once.c.  The initialization routines
	*	cinit,binit,iinit are moved to once.c from tty.c,bio.c and
	*	alloc.c respectively by this change.  Also estabur,nseg,sureg
	*	are moved from once.c to slp.c.  Buffer allocation(declaration)
	*	is moved to c.c (in conf).

#ifdef	_1170

	*	Ian Johnstone AUGUST 77
	*	trap.c param.h
	*	When system panics print out contents
	*	of cpu error registers.

	*	Ian Johnstone + Andrew Hume  AUGUST 77
	*	malloc.c
	*	Introduce means of gathering statistics of memory
	*	and swap space allocation under unix.
	*	Statistics gathered from this change instigated the
	*	LOWER_TEXT_SWAPS mod below.

#define	NRAWBUFS	10
	*	Ian Johnstone	SEPTEMBER 77
	*	once.c bio.c and others disk/tape raw i/o interfaces as reqd.
	*	In order to improve system performance allocate 'NRAWBUFS'
	*	buffer headers - these headers to be used for swapping and
	*	general raw i/o. Instead if using 'swbuf' for all swap
	*	i/o in the system, allocate from the raw buffer pool.
	*	If 'physio' is passed a null buffer pointer then
	*	it will allocate a buffer for the i/o and free it on completion
	*	of the i/o.  Current raw i/o interfaces then do not have to be
	*	altered unless desired.  The main benefit to these interfaces
	*	will be that on multiple devices overlapped seeks will
	*	possible, also ordered queueing of raw
	*	i/o requests can also be done. (assuming a clever driver)
	*	Improves swapping.  'NRAWBUFS' should be 2 greater
	*	than the expected number of simultaneous raw i/o operations
	*	to prevent lockout of swap i/o.

#define SLOSHED
	*	Chris Maltby	SEPTEMBER 77
	*	tty.c
	*	Change to canon to allow erases to delete kills
	*	In the process rewrote it to be more
	*	deterministic (and better).
	*	Handles \ erase-char properly. ie. doesnt assume '#' & '@'
	*	For penny-pinchers this change costs 44 bytes

	*	Chris Maltby	SEPTEMBER 77
	*	slp.c text.c text.h
	*	This alteration drastically reduces the number of swaps
	*	undertaken by UNIX. For example on Ian J's 11/70 swapping
	*	was reduced by about 85%. What more can I say !!
	*	When attaching to a shared text segment that was not
	*	already core resident the following procedure was
	*	followed:
	*		1. If in swap space goto 6
	*		2. Expand process size to enable read of
	*		   text from the a.out.
	*		3. Read text segment.
	*		4. Allocate swap space for text segment
	*		   and swap the segment out 
	*		5. Expand process size to USIZE.
	*		6. Swap out process!!
	*		7. Call sched.
	*	When the process is swapped back in to core
	*	all will magically be taken care of.
	*	This is a little inefficient to say the least and
	*	47 % of all swaps counted were for 1024 bytes.
	*	The new scheme:
	*		1. if in swap space goto 6
	*		2. Expand process size to enable read of
	*		   text from the a.out.
	*		3. Read text segment.
	*		4. Separate User Per Process area and text Segment
	*		   and install text segment in core. Mark it as not yet
	*		   swapped.
	*		5. Continue execution of process
	*		6. Swap in text segment.
	*		7. goto 5
	*	Note that only if required will the shared text segment now
	*	be swapped. It is now possible to run a shared
	*	text program that will cause no swapping if
	*	the program is not "sticky bit"ed.
	*		AND all this only costs 98 bytes...

#define	B_AGE
	*	Jeff Rottman	Sep 77
	*	buf.h bio.c
	*	Allow proper handling of write behind blocks
	*	on freelist. Put at head of free queue those blocks
	*	that have to be written.

	*	ian johnstone	oct 77
	*	prf.c
	*	enable the generation of filler characters
	*	by system putchar routine - if '\r' output

	 *	Ian Johnstone	Nov '77
	 *	user.h fio.c sys1.c sys3.c
	 *	Allows > 127 references to a file structure,
	 *	up to maximum of 255 with ENREF error if exceeded.
	 *	Previously this condition would cause (catastophic)
	 *	errors.

#define	ERROR_LOG
	 *	Piers Lauder	Nov '77
	 *	prf.c	c.c
	 *	change putchar to allow system program "errlogger"
	 *	to record "printf" messages instead of console.
	 *	Implements device "/dev/errlog".

	 *	Piers Lauder	Nov '77
	 *	prf.c
	 *	change putchar to use tty driver for non-panic
	 *	messages;

/* (not TTY_INVCASE)
	 *	Piers Lauder	Nov '77
	 *	tty.h tty.c
	 *	handle inverted case terminals
	 *	yes - they exist.

	 *	Piers Lauder	Nov '77
	 *	alloc.c
	 *	Since most programs ignore errors on write,
	 *	attempt to be a little less enthusiastic
	 *	with "no space" messages. The change is a
	 *	call to sleep on "lbolt", the effect is to
	 *	slow up programs doing repeated write calls
	 *	after no space error.

/* (not ILLEGAL_C)
#define	ILLEGAL_C
	 *	Piers Lauder	Nov '77
	 *	partab.c	bx.c
	 *	Enhance the table to know about communication
	 *	bytes which are illegal in a 7-bit + parity
	 *	protocol.

#define	UPRINTS
	 *	Piers Lauder	Jan '78
	 *	prf.c
	 *	This includes code implementing the routine "uprints"
	 *	which will print a system message on the tty
	 *	associated with the current process.

#define	DELAY
	 *	Piers Lauder	Jan '78
	 *	clock.c
	 *	this includes code implementing the routine "delay"
	 *	which will delay the caller for a period using a
	 *	"timeout - sleep - wakeup" sequence.

#define	MAX_PROC
	 *	Ian Johnstone	Jan '78
	 *	clock.c	sig.c	slp.c	sys1.c	sys4.c	proc.h
	 *	Keep track of which slot in the proc table is the last one
	 *	in use, and when searching the proc table only go up to maxproc
	 *	rather than &proc[NPROC].  This does speed things up a little.
	 *	Ken Thompson is also supposed to have found that the
	 *	system spends most of its time scanning the proc array.
	 *	For example ps is now many times faster less to transfer less to scan.
	 *	For example consider a system with NPROC=200 and 5 active processes
	 *	ZOMBIE defined - WITHOUT MAX_PROC time for executing wait was 1.18ms
	 *	- WITH MAX_PROC time for executing wait was 0.34ms - thus the benefits
	 *	are obvious in those parts of the system that search the proc table.
	 *	NOTE:	time == elapsed time == user time + system time
	 *	These values obtained on AGSM's 11/70
#ifdef	MAX_PROC
/* (no HIGH_PROC )
#define	HIGH_PROC
	 *	Ian Johnstone	Jan '78
	 *	proc.h	slp.c
	 *	Enable code to keep proc high water mark in high_proc.

#define	LRU_INODE
	 *	UNKNOWN HACKER -- university of toronto
	 *	Improved debugged installed Ian Johnstone Jan 78
	 *	inode.h	iget.c	clock.c	sys3.c	sys4.c
	 *	Incore inode structures are allocated on an LRU basis, and
	 *	if a requested Inode is still in core, it is not read in
	 *	again.  This seems to dramatically speed up pathname
	 *	searches, which do an awful lot of iget's and iput's.
	 *	For example a stat of a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a
	 *	previously took 1.1 seconds (avg) per call this change
	 *	reduces this to 0.07 seconds (avg) !!!!
	 *	These tests carried out on AGSM 11/70 (1 RP04)

/* (not U_LOCK)
#define	U_LOCK
	 *	Pies Lauder	Feb '78
	 *	sys4.c	bio.c
	 *	provide code to implement system calls "slockon", "slockoff"
	 *	so that super users may lock themselves in memory.

	 *	Piers Lauder	Apr '78
	 *	proc.h	sig.c	slp.c	sys1.c	sys4.c
	 *	Introduce "p_ignsig" - a sixteen bit boolean array
	 *	in which "true" means that the correspondingly
	 *	numbered signal is being ignored. Basically this
	 *	stops swaps for ignored signals.

#define	MEM_PAR_INTR
	 *	Piers Lauder	Apr '78
	 *	Ian Johnstone	May '78
	 *	once.c	trap.c
	 *	For 11/40s enable parity checking if it exists (once.c).
	 *	In trap.c report all memory parity errors, if user mode
	 *	then SIGMEMPAR the process.

/* (no POWER_FAIL)
#define	POWER_FAIL
	 *	Ian Johnstone	May '78
	 *	l70.s powerf.s m70.s
	 *	conf.h c.c dz.c dj.c hp.c rk.c msc.c kl.c lp.c cr.c
	 *	crd.c ht.c tm.c prf.c user.h
	 *	If defined all singing all dancing powerfail recovery.
	 *	If not defined just loop ....

/* (not U_DELAY)
#ifdef	DELAY
#define	U_DELAY
	 *	Piers Lauder	Apr '78
	 *	sys4.c	sysent.c
	 *	Implement new system call "sdelay" for sleeping for a number of ticks.

#define	AUSAM16
#define	AUSAML
	 *	Andrew Hume - Peter Ivanov - Ian Johnstone
	 *	Piers Lauder - John Lions - Chris Maltby
	 *	Greg Rose
	 *	bio.c dz.c rk.c tty.c inode.h
	 *	alloc.c clock.c debug.c fio.c iget.c
	 *	malloc.c nami.c once.c pipe.c rdwri.c
	 *	sig.c slp.c subr.c sys1.c sys2.c
	 *	sys3.c sys4.c sysent.c text.c trap.c
	 *	user.h proc.h pzomb.h systm.h
	 *	AUSAM16 - change to support 16 bit user id's
	 *	AUSAML  - Limit structures
	 *		limits system call (sys4)
	 *		proc limits (sys1)
	 *		modified wait (sys1)

#define LOCKING
	 * GGR 17-3-78.
	 *	Enables the locking and unlocking of files to ensure safe read/write
	 *	accesses on a "n-reader, one writer" basis.
	 *	Three new syscalls (readlock, writelock, unlock), and attendent
	 *	software all over the place.
#ifndef	AUSAM16
	*	so well established no known author !!
	*	fio.c	sysent.c	sys4.c
	*	allow groups access checking etc.
	*	by defing this symbol will allow unix so
	*	generated to support groups as distributed
	*	by BELL - yuk.

#define	MANY_USERS
	*	C. Maltby			6/4/78
	*	slp.c	clock.c
	*	Really a fix to allow for more CPU bound
	*	in-core tasks. Where there are likely to be several
	* 	of these then original BELL 'SCHMAG' (clock.c) and
	*	the 'PRIORATE' in setpri could lead the scheduler
	*	to select a CPU-bound task first.
	*	SCHMAG	 ==> clock ticks/second upper limit for I/O bound things
	*	PRIORATE ==> rate at which cpu-bound priority is dropped

	*	Chris	Maltby	May 78
	*	param.h	sys4.c
	*	Changes PUSER to 64, thus allowing a greater diversity
	*	of user priority levels. Coupled with MANY USERS mod
	*	it should provide better scheduling on busy machines

	*	Chris Maltby	APR 78
	*	slp.c	m70.s
	* 	make an interesting display in location 70
	*	count of swtch's in last 8 ticks

/* ( no DEBUG_SWAP )
#define	DEBUG_SWAP
	*	Peter Ivanov, John Lions, and Greg Rose	APR 78
	*	slp.c	clock.c	bio.c	debug.c
	*	certain debugging aids inserted to check
	*	for erroneous swaps.

	*	slp.c	prf.c
	*	Greg Rose and John Lions	APR 78
	*	Ian Johnstone			MAY 78
	*	Changes to "swtch" to make it refuse to
	* 	schedule processes during a panic.
	*	The first panic is the most important - remember
	*	its message string only.

	*	user.h	tty.h	tty.c	c.c	conf.h	sysent.c
	*	param.h
	*	Ian Johnstone	MAY 78
	*	Support for the logical connection of two tty ports
	*	a great assistance for inter-machine communication !!
	*	NEW sys call:
	*		sys	connect; master-fd; slave-fd; master cntrl-char
	*	where
	*		master-fd and slave-fd are files descriptors associated
	*		with teletype ports ( dj-dz-kl ).
	*	ALL chars received from master or slave tty are re-directed
	*	to the output queue of the slave or master tty respectively.
	*	IF the master cntrl-char is received from the master tty
	*	then -
	*		1. the connect system call returns to caller.
	*		2. all re-direction of chars from master/slave stops.

/* ( no TTY_SUSER )
#define	TTY_SUSER
	*	Chris Maltby	MAY 78
	*	Ian Johnstone	JUN 78
	*	tty.c
	*	Non-super users restricted to 'TTY_MAXSPD' baud as max
	*	attainable speed !!
	*	ONLY super-users may 'stty/gtty' terminals that are
	*	not the controlling tty for the process.

/* ( no SYS_time )
#define	SYS_TIME
	 *	Ian Johnstone	MAY 78
	 *	m70.s trap.c
	 *	Include code (optionally) in m70.s to return
	 *	the systems idea of the time (hh:mm).
	 *	Found to be useful for noting times of system crashes !!
	 *	call:	systime( timstr )
	 *		char timestr[6];

#define	ZOMBIE
#define	QMOUNT
	 *	Ian Johnstone - Greg Rose - Chris Maltby	MAY 78
	 *	alloc.c   binit.h   bio.c     buf.h
	 *	crd.c     defines.h iget.c    iinit.h
	 *	lp.c      nami.c    once.c    param.h
	 *	rdwri.c   subr.c    sys1.c    sys3.c
	 *	systm.h   user.h    
	 *	Use KDA5 to page buffers from the buffer pool.
	 *	In binit at system startup the buffer pool is
	 *	malloced and the buffer headers setup to addrees
	 *	them - if UNIBUS_MAP defined then b_xmem & b_addr
	 *	are set up so that unibus map will work - otherwise
	 *	b_xmem & b_addr contain full n-bit address.
	 *	This change costs 8Kb from kernal data space (loss of reg)
	 *	but does recover the data space previously occupied
	 *	by the buffers.
	 *	The only hassle is having to load KA5 prior to accessing
	 *	a buffers contents, bswtch (m70.s) will do this given 
	 *	address of buffer header.

#define	QMOUNT
	 *	Ian Johnstone - Greg Rose - Chris Maltby	MAY 78
	 *	iinit.h	bio.c	alloc.c	sys3.c
	 *	Use buffers out of buffer pool for mounted
	 *	super-blocks mark these buffers with B_MOUNT flag
	 *	Main advantage is that when an update happens
	 *	buffers need not be allocated to copy super-blocks to
	 *	but can merely be written in-place !!
	 *	icheck -s, df ... should work better too

	*	Chris Maltby			Jun 78
	*	param.h	systm.h	binit.c	bio.c
	*	Allows better allocation of UNIBUS-MAP via
	*	a call to malloc to allocate only as much as is
	*	required for this I/O. Avoids problem with previous 
	*	method when used with MAPPED_BUFFERS. This should
	*	allow multiple raw I/O's and swaps.
 *                                                                     *
 *	        XXXXXX     X    X    X  XXXXXX   XXXX		       *
 *	        X          X     X  X   X       X		       *
 *	        XXXXX      X      XX    XXXXX    XXXX		       *
 *	        X          X      XX    X            X		       *
 *	        X          X     X  X   X       X    X		       *
 *	        X          X    X    X  XXXXXX   XXXX		       *
 *                                                                     *
 *	Please document all necessary fixes (fix obvious bugs) to the  *
 *	'op sys' here. no defines etc just documentation. Same plea    *
 *	with respect to documenting mods apply.			       *
 *	To indicate a fix in source code just put a comment on altered *
 *	lines referencing 'fixnnn' and document it here.	       *
 *                                                                     *
 *	fix000
 *		Ian Johnstone	AUGUST 77
 *		bio.c	file.h	filsys.h	ino.h	inode.h
 *		alloc.c	clock.c	fio.c	iget.c	nami.c	once.c
 *		pipe.c	rdwri.c	sig.c	subr.c	sys1.c	sys2.c
 *		sys4.c	text.c	proc.h	systm.h	user.h
 *		These alterations mainly concerned with
 *		utilizing the facilities of the latest C compiler.
 *		All char * and int * which really were of unsigned type
 *		have been altered.
 *		Register arguments to procedures declared where noted
 *		Ian Johnstone	early 77
 *		All int [2] type whose purpose was to implement 32-bit
 *		arithmetic have been declared long - code altered as required
 *		to cope with new declarations.
 *		Ian Johnstone et al 77
 *		Correctly declare pointers. for example if a pointer
 *		is a pointer to an inode structure then declare it thus
 *	fix001
 *		Jeff Rottman	JUNE 77
 *		bio.c	rdwri.c	
 *		It has been suggested that `read ahead'
 *		may cause deadly embraces, so dmr/bio.c
 *		can be modded to stop read ahead if desired.
 *		The problem exists when ever the number of
 *		processes in "breada"  +  the number of processes
 *		in "exec"  +  the number of mounted file systems
 *		exceeds NBUF.
 *	fix002
 *		Dave Horsfall	APRIL 77
 *		Ian Johnstone	APRIL 78 (corrected)
 *		bio.c
 *		There appears to be a race condition in swap() whereby
 *		the same priority (PSWP) was used to wait for completion of
 *		i/o and for the buffer. A lower priority now used for
 *		buffer allocation sleep.  See bio.c
 *	fix003
 *		John Lions `op sys' class 76
 *		sig.c
 *		No limit to priority because of typo.
 *		See sig.c
 *	fix004
 *		UNSW
 *		text.c
 *		No swap error panic given ?
 *	fix005
 *		UNSW
 *		trap.c
 *		Partial fix to overlaying which signal is being
 *		processed.
 *		******* WITHDRAWN *********
 *	fix006
 *		George Goble purdue university JUNE 77
 *		sys2.c
 *		Chdir sys call could leave free "leaves"
 *			chdir /tmp
 *			mkdir a; chdir a
 *			rmdir /tmp
 *			cp /null orphan
 *			chdir /null
 *	fix007
 *		Piers Lauder	AUGUST 77
 *		tty.c
 *		Get tty.c to echo nl to cr on half duplex terminals
 *		with CRMOD set.
 *	fix008
 *		Piers Lauder	AUGUST 77
 *		tty.c
 *		Fix tty.c not to call device start routine
 *		if timing out.
 *	fix009
 *		**************************
 *		fix made unnecessary by
 *		SLOSHED modification
 *	 	**************************
 *		Piers Lauder AUGUST 77
 *		Maptab.c changed to allow other escaped
 *		characters e.g.	'\b'.
 *	fix010
 *		Piers Lauder	AUGUST 77
 *		Cret in m40.s & m45.s changed to allow long values
 *		to be returned.
 *	fix011
 *		Piers Lauder	AUGUST 77
 *		once.c
 *		Console start up printout "mem =" altered to give Kb.
 *	fix012
 *		1976
 *		once.c(main.c)
 *		Saves time at initialisation.
 *		The author hereby declares that no infringement
 *		of Western Electric copyrights is intended.
 *	fix013
 *		Chris Maltby	SEPTEMBER 77
 *		fio.c
 *		Super user can now change to zero
 *		mode directories.  (fio.c)
 *	fix014
 *		P A Hardie	uni of saskatchewan
 *		tty.c
 *		"lost characters fix"
 *		Ttwrite in tty.c - the mod stops ttstart being interrupted
 *		and losing the character it was about to output.
/*	fix015
 *		Greg Rose & Chris Maltby	UNSW
 *		trap.c m40-45-70.s
 *		make system do t bit tracing properly.
 *		Rti's are done from all traps except
 *		t or bpt traps.
/*	fix016
 *		Piers Lauder	Nov '77
 *		prf.c
 *		always output panic messages
 *		even if switches down
/*	fix017
 *		Piers Lauder	Nov '77
 *		bio.c
 *		ensure b-resid always zero - drivers may not always
 *		do this
/*	fix018
 *		Piers Lauder	Apr '78
 *		sig.c
 *		Prevent SIGINS from overlaying other signals.
 *		( only if simulating floating point )
/*	fix019
 *		Piers Lauder	Apr '78
 *		Chris Maltby	May '78
 *		slp.c
 *		Remove spl6() from "sched" while searching proc array.
 *		It is not clear why this was done in the first place,
 *		and its effect of locking out interrupts for several
 *		milliseconds was disastrous for high frequency interrupts.
 *		At sloop in sched protect runin from the clock !!
 *		also protect runout after spl6 removed.
/*	fix020
 *		Apr '78
 *		bio.c
 *		correct code that checks if physical i/o
 *		is wholly within data/stack spaces.
 *		the following should have worked but didn't !!
 *		 	mov	$fd,r0		/ fd is files descriptor
 *						/ for raw i/o
 *			sys	read ; 64 ; 64	/ this generated a segmentation
 *						/ error !!
 *		The correction is simplicity itself - merely subtract one
 *		from the sum of 'base+u.u_count'.
/*	fix021
 *		APR 78
 *		sig.c
 *		Don't even create 'core' file if this is a setuid
 *		process!!. Just test earlier.
 *	fix022
 *		MAY 78
 *		tty.c
 *		A really triffic bug this one !!
 *		when tabs are being expanded in ttyoutput the
 *		assumption is made that the character queues never fill
 *		this assumption is FALSE hence infinite loops can occur !!
 *	fix023
 *		MAY 78
 *		m70.s powerf.s trap.c
 *		instead of these routines magically knowing about
 *		certain displacements in the user structure define
 *		their addresses and use these indirectly to reference
 *		the desired location...
 *	fix024
 *		MAY78
 *		slp.c
 *		p_cpu not being initialized in newproc.
 *		causing new processes to inherit this value
 *		from last process to occupy the proc slot.
 *	fix025
 *		JUN 78
 *		fixes etc from bell for level 6 - more docco to come
 *	fix026
 *		JUN 78
 *		alloc.c	sys3.c filsys.h
 *		Avoid locking problems in ialloc & ifree.
 *		Improves search for free inodes (makes it faster).
 *	fix027
 *		JUN 78
 *		once.c
 *		Avoid parity errors at start up - use suiword
 *		instead of fuibyte.  Also free all of core in one
 *		hit not in zillions of little chunks.
 *	fix028
 *		JUN 78
 *		trap.c
 *		Remove special significance of system call 63.
 *		You may now use it for anything. Indirect calls
 *		of indir will now give SIGSYS.