
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

This limb of the file system contains our system core dump analyser
and associated maintenance routines..... Here follows a description of
what may be found in the various directories.

cores		contains the system corefiles to be analysed
dumps 		contains procedures to get core files off tape etc and keep an
		up-to-date record of what you have on disc and tape..
include		contains directories with copies of the necessary /usr/include
		files to configure a particular sysdumper.
particulars	contains a brief description of the machine state at
		the time the dump was taken.
run		contains procedures to run off a particular dump analysis.
source		contains the source and run files for the sysdumper.
unices		contains copies of the /unix files relevant to a particular dump.

To give you an idea of how this all hangs together, we shall follow the
procedure for obtaining a dump analysis from start to finish.

The machine has crashed.....
Mount a tape and start at location 044. This assumes that you dump to tape
at 800bpi.
Get the system going again and when ready continue.
Chdir to dumps.
Type "save dump-name [ optional alternate unix filename ]" to
	copy the core file from tape to disc file "cores/core.dump-name"
	optionally save the "/usr/include/*" contents
	copy "/unix" or the option specified to "unices/unix.dump-name"
	take particulars of this crash in "particulars/"
	update the "log" file to keep track of the dumps.
Next, if necessary, chdir to source and "mkall" a new sysdumper. If you already
have one which will work, then "ln old-dumper-name" and you are
ready to dump.
Chdir run.
The appropriate run file (70 or 40) will run the dump off for you.
Make sure you direct it to a line printer, for even in its simplest form
it is very wordy.

The dumper is necessarily very specialised to a particular system
but it can be changed by someone of the necessary skill.
Its operation at present is dependant on a number of local system calls
(locking to do with the password file system here) and the odd local command.

The dumper is NOT bug free, so good luck.
