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including files from this version of Unix.

The Intermediate Language
Communication between the two phases of the compiler proper
is carried out by means of a pair of intermediate files.
These files are treated as having identical structure,
although the second file contains only the code generated for strings.
It is convenient to write strings out separately to reduce the
need for multiple location counters in a later assembly
The intermediate language is not machine-independent;
its structure in a number of ways reflects
the fact that C was originally a one-pass compiler
chopped in two to reduce the maximum memory
In fact, only the latest version
of the compiler has a complete
intermediate language at all.
Until recently, the first phase of the compiler generated
assembly code for those constructions it could deal with,
and passed expression parse trees, in absolute binary
to the second phase for code generation.
Now, at least, all inter-phase information
is passed in a describable form, and there are
no absolute pointers involved, so the coupling between
the phases is not so strong.
The areas in which the machine
(and system) dependencies are most noticeable are
.IP 1.
Storage allocation for automatic variables and arguments
has already been performed,
and nodes for such variables refer to them by offset
from a display pointer.
Type conversion
(for example, from integer to pointer)
has already occurred using the assumption of
byte addressing and 2-byte words.
.IP 2.
Data representations suitable to the PDP-11 are assumed;
in particular, floating point constants are passed as
four words in the machine representation.
As it happens, each intermediate file is represented as a sequence
of binary numbers without any explicit demarcations.
It consists of a sequence of
conceptual lines, each headed by an operator, and possibly containing
various operands.
The operators are small numbers;
to assist in recognizing failure in synchronization,
the high-order byte of each operator word is always the
octal number 376.
Operands are
either 16-bit binary numbers or strings of characters representing names.
Each name is terminated by a null character.
There is no alignment requirement for numerical
operands and so there is no padding
after a name string.
The binary representation was chosen to avoid the necessity
of converting to and from character form
and to minimize the size of the files.
It would be very easy to make
each operator-operand `line' in the file be
a genuine, printable line, with the numbers in octal or decimal;
this in fact was the representation originally used.
The operators fall naturally into two classes:
those which represent part of an expression, and all others.
Expressions are transmitted in a reverse-Polish notation;
as they are being read, a tree is built which is isomorphic
to the tree constructed in the first phase.
Expressions are passed as a whole, with no non-expression operators
The reader maintains a stack; each leaf of the expression tree (name, constant)
is pushed on the stack;
each unary operator replaces the top of the stack by a node whose
operand is the old top-of-stack;
each binary operator replaces the top pair on the stack with
a single entry.
When the expression is complete there is exactly one item on the
Following each expression
is a special operator which passes the unique previous expression
to the `optimizer' described below and then to the code
Here is the list of operators not themselves part of expressions.
marks the end of an input file.
.Op BDATA "flag data ..."
specifies a sequence of bytes to be assembled
as static data.
It is followed by pairs of words; the first member
of the pair is non-zero to indicate that the data continue;
a zero flag is not followed by data and terminates
the operator.
The data bytes occupy the low-order part of a word.
.Op WDATA "flag data ..."
specifies a sequence of words to be assembled as
static data; it is identical to the BDATA operator
except that entire words, not just bytes, are passed.
means that subsequent information is to be compiled as program text.
means that subsequent information is to be compiled as static data.
means that subsequent information is to be compiled as unitialized
static data.
.Op SYMDEF name
means that
the symbol
is an external name defined in the current program.
It is produced for each external data or function definition.
.Op CSPACE "name size"
indicates that the name refers to a data area whose size is the
specified number of bytes.
It is produced for external data definitions without explicit initialization.
.Op SSPACE size
indicates that
bytes should be set aside for data storage.
It is used to pad out short initializations of external data
and to reserve space for static (internal) data.
It will be preceded by an appropriate label.
is produced after each
external data definition whose size is not
an integral number of words.
It is not produced after strings except when they initialize
a character array.
.Op NLABEL name
is produced just before a BDATA or WDATA initializing
external data, and serves as a label for the data.
.Op RLABEL name
is produced just before each function definition,
and labels its entry point.
.Op SNAME "name number"
is produced at the start of each function for each static variable
or label
declared therein.
Subsequent uses of the variable will be in terms of the given number.
The code generator uses this only to produce a debugging symbol table.
.Op ANAME "name number"
Likewise, each automatic variable's name and stack offset
is specified by this operator.
Arguments count as automatics.
.Op RNAME "name number"
Each register variable is similarly named, with its register number.
.Op SAVE number
produces a register-save sequence at the start of each function,
just after its label (RLABEL).
.Op SETREG number
is used to indicate the number of registers used
for register variables.
It actually gives the register number of the lowest
free register; it is redundant because the RNAME operators could be
counted instead.
is produced before the save sequence for functions
when the profile option is turned on.
It produces code to count the number
of times the function is called.
.Op SWIT "deflab line label value ..."
is produced for switches.
When control flows into it,
the value being switched on is in the register
forced by RFORCE (below).
The switch statement occurred on the indicated line
of the source, and the label number of the default location
Then the operator is followed by a sequence of label-number and value pairs;
the list is terminated by a 0 label.
.Op LABEL number
generates an internal label.
It is referred to elsewhere using the given number.
.Op BRANCH number
indicates an unconditional transfer to the internal label number
produces the return sequence for a function.
It occurs only once, at the end of each function.
.Op EXPR line
causes the expression just preceding to be compiled.
The argument is the line number in the source where the
expression occurred.
.Op NAME "class type name"
.Op NAME "class type number"
indicates a name occurring in an expression.
The first form is used when the name is external;
the second when the name is automatic, static, or a register.
Then the number indicates the stack offset, the label number,
or the register number as appropriate.
Class and type encoding is described elsewhere.
.Op CON "type value"
transmits an integer constant.
This and the next two operators occur as part of expressions.
.Op FCON "type 4-word-value"
transmits a floating constant as
four words in PDP-11 notation.
.Op SFCON "type value"
transmits a floating-point constant
whose value is correctly represented by its high-order word
in PDP-11 notation.
indicates a null argument list of a function call in an expression;
call is a binary operator whose second operand is the argument list.
.Op CBRANCH "label cond"
produces a conditional branch.
It is an expression operator, and will be followed
by an EXPR.
The branch to the label number takes place if the expression's
truth value is the same as that of
That is, if
and the expression evaluates to true, the branch is taken.
.Op binary-operator type
There are binary operators corresponding
to each such source-language operator;
the type of the result of each is passed as well.
Some perhaps-unexpected ones are:
COMMA, which is a right-associative operator designed
to simplify right-to-left evaluation
of function arguments;
prefix and postfix ++ and \-\-, whose second operand
is the increment amount, as a CON;
QUEST and COLON, to express the conditional
expression as `a?(b:c)';
and a sequence of special operators for expressing
relations between pointers, in case pointer comparison
is different from integer comparison
(e.g. unsigned).
.Op unary-operator type
There are also numerous unary operators.
which convert among floating, long, and integer;
JUMP which branches indirectly through a label expression;
INIT, which compiles the value of a constant expression
used as an initializer;
RFORCE, which is used before a return sequence or
a switch to place a value in an agreed-upon register.