
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.th DCOPY I 8/12/77
.sh NAME
dcopy - recursively copy directory contents
dcopy [ -v ] input-directory output-directory
Copies the tree of directories and files below
.it input-directory
.it output-directory
(which must exist and be empty).

.lp +6 6
-v	(Verbose) - prints each filename as it is created

.it dcopy
searches the input directory,
copying each file into the output directory.
If it encounters a special file, it makes
an identical special file in the output directory.
If it encounters a directory,
it makes a corresponding one in the output directory,
and calls itself recursively.

If the caller is the super-user,
the created files and directories are given the same
owner and modification date as the originals.
All I/O or other errors are reported.
R Miller
University of Wollongong
.sh BUGS
.it dcopy
breaks links and forms duplicate copies of linked files.