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.ll 80
.de ph
.ti 0
.th DDT I
.sh NAME
ddt - dynamic C debugger
ddt [a.out [core [-]]]
is a debugger for use primarily with C programs.
It is useful for both post-mortem and interactive debugging.
An important feature of
is that even in the interactive case no
advance planning is necessary to use it;
in particular it is not necessary to compile or load the program
in any special way nor to include any special
routines in the object file.

The first argument is the
object program (containing a symbol table);
if not given, "a.out" is used.  If only one
argument is given, it is assumed to be an object
second argument is a core-image file; if not given,
"core" is used.
The core file need not be present.
The optional third argument specifies
that the file being debugged is not a core
image.  This feature is used most
frequently in examining the memory file /dev/mem.
In order to set breakpoints and execute, the namelist (a.out)
file must be present and can not be a shared text program.

Commands to ddt have the following form:

.ce 1
[<address expression>[,repetition]]<command>[<display mode>]

If no address is given, the last displayed address
is used (this value is accessible by typing the special symbol ".").
An address expression may optionally
be followed by a comma and a number, in which case
the command applies to the appropriate number of
successive addresses.
Address Expression

An address expression is an arithmetic combination
of operands and operators.
Operands may be:

.ta 5 20
e.g.	main	symbol name
	-32	decimal number
	0177	octal number
	0x3e8	hexadecimal number
	'a	ASCII character
	"xy	two ASCII characters

The following operators are recognized:

.ta 5 20
	+	addition
	blank	addition
	-	subtraction
	*	multiplication
	\\	division
	%	mod (remainder)
	|	OR
	&	AND
	@	indirection (postfix operator)
	[]	array subscription (postfix operator)

Evaluation proceeds left-to-right.  The construction
name[expression] assumes that name is a pointer to
an integer and is equivalent to the contents
of the named cell plus four times the expression.
.ne 24

The command strings are
.in +11
.ta 11
.ti -11
/	display the contents of the addressed
memory locations according to the display
mode (default i).
.ti -11
=	evaluate and display the address expression
according to the display mode (default o).
.ti -11
!	store the address expression (1 word) into
the last specified memory location,
which must be on a fullword boundary.
.ti -11
!	if no address expression preceeds the "!", the remainder of the
line after the "!" is sent to UNIX to be interpreted as a command.
.ti -11
$	print a stack trace of the terminated program.
The calls are listed in reverse order;
the actual arguments to each routine are
given in octal.
.ti -11
?	display fault type.
.ti -11
<new line>	display the next memory location according
to the current display mode.
.ti -11
^	display the previous memory location
according to the current display mode.
.ti -11
>	Replace dot with the effective address of
last instruction which was displayed
(follow the path).
.ti -11
;f	exit from ddt.
.ti -11
;=	search equal.
.ti -11
;#  	search not equal.
.ti -11
;b	set an execution breakpoint.
.ti -11
;c	clear an execution breakpoint.  If no address is given, all breakpoints
are cleared.
.ti -11
;d	display the location of all execution breakpoints.
.ti -11
;g	begin execution of the symbolic file at location
0.  This command may be optionally followed by a
list of character string arguments to the program.
.ti -11
;p	continue execution after a breakpoint.
.ti -11
;s	execute one instruction and break.
.ti -11
n;s	execute n instructions and break.
.ti -11
;.	set a temporary breakpoint at the specified address
and continue execution.  This temporary breakpoint
is deleted when the next breakpoint is encountered.
.ti -11
;r	display all registers in octal and as symbols.
.ti -11
;e	display the floating point registers.
.in -11
.ne 18
Display Mode

The mode characters are:
.ta 5 15
	o	octal
	x	hexadecimal
	d	decimal
	l	unsigned decimal
	f	floating point
	e	double precision floating point
	i	symbolic instruction
	&	address
	b	byte in octal
	'	byte in ASCII
	"	two bytes in ASCII
	s	string in ASCII

There are two display modes: one for display contents
(/) and one for evaluate (=).  When ddt is
invoked, the default mode for display contents is i
(instruction) and the default mode for evaluate
is  octal (o).  Whenever an explicit display
mode is given, the default mode is set to the given
mode and used thereafter until another mode is given.
Special Symbols

Ddt recognizes a number of special symbols.  The values
of these special symbols may be displayed, modified,
and used in expressions.

.ta 12 40
Name	Meaning	Default value
 .	last address displayed
 :r0	user register 0
 :r1	user register 1
 :r2	user register 2
 :re	user register 14
 :rf	user register 15
 :sp	user stack pointer
 :pc	user program counter
 :ps	user processor status
 :m	search mask	0xffffffff
 :8	lower search limit	0
 :9	upper search limit	0x8000
 :l	lowest address to
	display as a symbol	0x100
 :q	last value typed to user
 :a	0  only C symbols	1
	1  C and assembler symbols
 :r	maximum symbol offset	0x1000
	to display symbolically
 :f	current function for	last function called
	accessing local variables
 :sl	lowest address on stack	0xe0000

All C symbols begin with an _.  As long as the special symbol :a
contains a value of zero (default), ddt prepends an _ to all
symbols, thus eliminating the requirement for the user to type _.
If :a is set to a nonzero value, indicating that the program contains
symbols which did not pass through the C compiler (such as assembler symbols),
the _ before each C symbol will be displayed
by ddt and must be typed by the user when specifying a symbol

Variables local to a function (automatic, static, and arguments)
are accessible by writing the function name followed by a colon ":"
followed by the local variable name (ie. main:argc).  The notion of the
current function exists and is addressable as the special symbol
":f".  The value of :f is set to the last function to be invoked
whenever a breakpoint is encountered.  Variables local to the current
function are accessible by simply writing the variable name.  The
current function can be changed by modifying :f (ie xyz!:f sets the
current  function to xyz which must be active).

.ti 0
Examples (each command is terminated by a <new line>):
.in +15
.ta 15 24
.ti -15
t1/	display the contents of t1 in the default
display mode
.ti -15
t1=	display the address of t1 in the default evaluate
display mode
.ti -15
t1+40/d	display the contents of t1+40 (decimal) in decimal
.ti -15
p@/o	displays in octal the contents of the word pointed to by p
.ti -15
:sp=o	display the contents of the users sp (r7) in octal
.ti -15
0377!:r2	set the value of the users r2 to 0377 octal
.ti -15
string/s	display the contents of string as ASCII characters
.ti -15
i1/o	this is equivalent to fun1:i1/o if the current function (:f)
is fun1 and i1 is a local variable in fun1

.ti -15
xyz+012 023147	ddt displays the cell value
.ti -15
xyz+012 023147	0272!	user changes xyz+012 to octal 272

.ti -15

.ti -15
0100!:8	set lower search limit to 100 octal
.ti -15
1000!:9	set upper search limit to 1000 decimal
.ti -15
0177400!:m	set search mask to third byte in word
.ti -15
023000;=	search between 100 octal and 1000 decimal
and prints the address and contents of each	
word if the value of that word when logically
ANDed with octal 177400 is equal to octal
23000.  A search not equal also searches
between the limits in :8 and :9, ANDs each word
with the mask in :m and displays each word for which
the resulting value does not equal the given value.
.in -15
Execution and Breakpoints

The general format of the set breakpoint command is:

<address expression>;b[<conditional expression>]

which causes a breakpoint to be installed at location <address expression>.
When a conditional breakpoint
is encountered during the course of execution, the conditional expression is
evaluated.  If the value of the conditional expression is true (non-zero),
the execution break occurs.  If the value is false the execution
break does not occur, and execution continues in the normal fashion.
A null conditional expression is always evaluated as true.

The format of the conditional expression is:

<relational expression>[<boolean operator><relational expression>
     <boolean operator><relational expression>...]

A conditional expression is thus composed of
any number of relational operators separated by the boolean 
operator && (for AND) or || (for OR).
Evaluation is strictly left to right (no parentheses).

A relational expression is an address expression or two address expressions
separated by one of the relational operators: ==,!=,<,<=,>,>=.  If an 
address expression contains a symbol name then the value of the address
expression is taken to be the contents of the memory cell addressed by the
expression.  If an address expression contains no symbol name then the
expression is taken literally (ie. the value of i1+4 is the contents
of the memory cell whose address is i1+4 while the value of 100+4 is 104).
The expression 104@ has the value of the contents of memory cell 104.

CAUTION: blanks are meaningful to ddt and are equivalent to the addition (+)

The command ;d displays each active breakpoint along with any conditional
expression associated with each.

Some valid conditional expressions are:

Upon encountering a breakpoint, ddt displays the instruction which
will be executed when execution continues and ddt then goes into
the command mode.

.in +15
.ti -15
fun1;b	sets a breakpoint at the entry point of function fun1
.ti -15
;g abc filea	starts execution of the symbolic(a.out) file
at location 0 passing to it the arguments
abc and filea.
.ti -15
;s	execute the next instruction and break
.ti -15
5;s	execute the next 5 instructions and break
.ti -15
fun1;.	set a temporary breakpoint at fun1 and 
continue execution
.ti -15
xxx;c	clear the breakpoint at location xxx
.ti -15
;c	clear all breakpoints

.in -15
Self-explanatory (?) diagnostics are given for illegal or unrecognized

.sh "SEE ALSO"
cc(I), C Reference Manual
.sh BUGS
The $ (stack trace) command always prints at least 2 arguments
for every function, even those with fewer than 2 actual arguments.

Local function symbols (auto, static, and register) are not accessible
in the current Interdata implementation --
only external symbols.

Ddt can not be used interactively with FORTRAN (or ratfor) programs,
since the illegal supervisor calls normally handled
by the `OS/MT SVC Emulator' are intercepted by ddt.

When proceeding from a breakpoint ddt removes the breakpoint
and replaces it only when a different breakpoint
is encountered.
This means any loop being debugged interactively
should contain at least two breakpoints.

Occasionally ddt may leave breakpoints set in the a.out file
after it exits,
making it impossible to execute the program.
It is advisable to make a copy of valuable programs
before debugging them interactively.