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.th FORT I
.sh NAME
fort - Interdata Fortran V compiler
fort [ -l ] [ -c ] [ -S ] [ -o output ] file ...
Invokes the Fortran V compiler.

Arguments of the form
.it name.f
.it name.for
are assumed to be Fortran source programs;
each is compiled and assembled
and the object code is left in file
.it name.o.
.it "\&.o"
file is normally deleted if only one source file is compiled.

Source may contain lower-case letters and tabs.

Each source file may contain only one main program or subprogram.


.lp +6 6
-l	Make a listing on the standard output.

.lp +6 6
-c	Compile only - suppress the loading phase,
and don't delete the
.it "\&.o"

.lp +6 6
-S	(Uppercase S) Suppress the assembly phase,
and leave the assembly-language version of each
source file in
.it name.s.

.lp +6 6
-o	Leave the executable program in file
.it output
instead of
.it a.out.

Other arguments are assumed to be loader flags (see ld(I)),
object libraries, or object programs produced by
an earlier Fortran compilation.
All the resulting object files
are linked together with the Fortran runtime library
to produce an executable program on file
.it a.out.

Files are linked in the order specified: the main program must be named

At execution time, Fortran I/O units 5 and 6 are assigned
to the standard input and output respectively.
No other unit numbers are currently supported.

For explanations of Fortran compile-time and run-time error numbers,
use the
.it ferr
command (q.v.).
.ta 16
/lib/frt0.o	Fortran runtime initialization
/lib/libf.a	Fortran runtime library
/lib/libd.a	Fortran double-precision library