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.sh NAME
stty \*- set mode of typewriter
stty equ 31
(file descriptor in r0)
   svc  stty
   dc   arg
arg db  0,0,ISPEED,OSPEED
    db  0,0,ERASE,KILL
    dc  MODE
stty(fildes, arg)
struct {
	char	pad0[2];
	char	ispeed, ospeed;
	char	pad1[2];
	char	erase, kill;
	int 	mode;
} *arg;
.it Stty
sets mode bits and character speeds for the typewriter whose file descriptor
is passed in r0 (resp. is the first argument to the call).
First, the system delays until the typewriter is quiescent.
The input and output speeds are set from the first word
of the argument structure
as indicated by the following table.
Impossible speed changes are ignored.
.lp +8 4
0	(hang up dataphone)
.lp +8 4
1	50 baud
.lp +8 4
2	75 baud
.lp +8 4
3	110 baud
.lp +8 4
4	134.5 baud
.lp +8 4
5	150 baud
.lp +8 4
6	200 baud
.lp +8 4
7	300 baud
.lp +8 4
8	600 baud
.lp +8 4
9	1200 baud
.lp +8 4
10	1800 baud
.lp +8 4
11	2400 baud
.lp +8 4
12	4800 baud
.lp +8 4
13	9600 baud
.lp +8 4
14	External A
.lp +8 4
15	External B
In the current configuration,
only 300. 1200, 2400 and 4800 baud are really supported,
The next two characters of the argument structure
specify the erase and kill characters respectively.
(Defaults are # and @.)
.it mode
contains several bits which determine the
system's treatment of the typewriter:
.lp +12 7
100000	Select one of two algorithms for backspace delays
.lp +12 7
040000	Select one of two algorithms for form-feed and vertical-tab delays
.lp +12 7
030000	Select one of four algorithms for carriage-return delays
.lp +12 7
006000	Select one of four algorithms for tab delays
.lp +12 7
001400	Select one of four algorithms for new-line delays
.lp +12 7
000200	even parity allowed on input (e. g. for M37s)
.lp +12 7
000100	odd parity allowed on input
.lp +12 7
000040	raw mode: wake up on all characters
.lp +12 7
000020	map CR into LF; echo LF or CR as CR-LF
.lp +12 7
000010	echo (full duplex)
.lp +12 7
000004	map upper case to lower on input (e. g. M33)
.lp +12 7
000002	echo and print tabs as spaces
.lp +12 7
000001	hang up (remove `data terminal ready,' lead CD) after last close
The delay bits specify how long
transmission stops to allow for mechanical or other movement
when certain characters are sent to the terminal.
In all cases a value of 0 indicates no delay.
Backspace delays are currently ignored but will
be used for Terminet 300's.
If a form-feed/vertical tab delay is specified,
it lasts for about 2 seconds.
Carriage-return delay type 1 lasts about .08 seconds
and is suitable for the Terminet 300.
Delay type 2 lasts about .16 seconds and is suitable
for the VT05 and the TI 700.
Delay type 3 is unimplemented and is 0.
New-line delay type 1 is dependent on the current column
and is tuned for Teletype model 37's.
Type 2 is useful for the VT05 and is about .10 seconds.
Type 3 is unimplemented and is 0.
Tab delay type 1 is dependent on the amount of movement
and is tuned to the Teletype model
Other types are unimplemented and are 0.
Characters with the wrong parity, as determined by bits 200 and
100, are ignored.
In raw mode, every character is passed immediately
to the program without waiting until a full line has been typed.
No erase or kill processing is done;
the end-of-file character (EOT), the interrupt character
(DEL) and the quit character (FS) are not treated specially.
Mode 020 causes input carriage returns to be turned into
input of either CR or LF causes LF-CR both to
be echoed
(used for GE TermiNet 300's and other terminals without the newline function).
The hangup mode 01
causes the line to be disconnected
when the last process with the line open closes it or terminates.
It is useful when a port is to be used for some special
for example, if it is associated
with an ACU used to place outgoing calls.
This system call is also used with certain special
files other than typewriters.
For its use with magtape see mt(IV).
.sh "SEE ALSO"
stty (I), gtty (II), mt (IV)
The error bit
(c-bit) is set if the file descriptor does not refer to a typewriter.
From C, a negative value indicates an error.