
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

b   line breaks on			r   read file
b-  line breaks off			s   substitute /old/new/
d   delete line(s)			t   copy line(s)
e   edit a new file			v   globally if not
f   set file name			w   write on file
g   globally if				x   substitute interactively
h   display this summary			('.' to confirm)
k   mark line				/   delimit search string
m   move line(s)			?   delimit backward
l   list line(s)				search string
o   open line(s) for mods		!   unix command
	(^H for help in 'o')		=   line number
o\  replace line(s)			>   prompts off
o-  insert new lines			%   display context
o+  append new lines			&   .-22,.p
p   print line(s)			"   .+1,.+23p
q   quit editor				%   .-10,.+10p