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The nroff/troff manual is printed in a number of pieces.

m0 (pages 1-2) is usage section printed by-
troff mac m0

m0a (pages 3-7) is the summary and index section; it contains so's
to "cross", "escapes", and "registers" and is printed by-
tbl esc.tbl >escapes
tbl reg.tbl >registers
troff mac m0a

m1, m2, m3, and m4 (pages 8-26) are the reference manual,
and are printed by-
tbl m1 m2 m3 m4 | troff mac -

m5 (pages 27-30) is the tutorial and is printed by-
troff mac m5

table1 (page 31) is table 1, and is printed by-
troff mac table1

table2 (page 32-33) is table 2, and is printed by-
troff mac table2