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including files from this version of Unix.

.FO "Peter Ivanov OUG and bar"
These macros are by NO means the
"be all and end all"
of macro packages for nroffing documents.
Any body with half a brain and masochistic tendancies could
write a package equally as good,
maybe even better.
If you take your life in your hands and alter them,
then it would be a VERY GOOD IDEA to UPDATE the DOCUMENTATION.
For the sake of simplicity, all macro calls are in upper case.
The macros are as follows:
.BP 8 6
\&.BP	This macro begins a block of indented points such as
.BP 6 4
a)	Point a) on a certain topic such as the price of cheese
at John Beale's local deli.
b)	Another point called b) about any topic you care to name but nothing
dirty naturally.
These points can go on 'til Doomsday but even I get sick
of raving.
Up to nine (9) levels of pointing may be nested for example
.BP 11 9
PLUNGER	This argument may be assigned two values, with effects
which vary widely. These are
.BP 5 3
0	This means to raise the plunger to its cocked position.
This should be done when nobody is looking.
1	This causes the plunger to be pressed, exploding the TNT
placed under the CSU operators console. This usually wakes the operator.
This call is restricted to Super Users.
The "BP" command should be given with two (2) arguments as below
\&.BP arg1 arg2
The arguments have the following meaning
.BP 8 6
arg1	specifies the incremental indent for all points following until
the next "EP" command,
arg2	specifies the position to the left of the NEW indent where the first
line of this point is to begin.
That portion of the first line of a point which is to appear to the left
of the NEW indent should be followed by a "tab" character eg.
a)<tab>The rest of the first line.
\&.NP	This command starts a new point within a "BP" - "EP"
It has no arguments.
\&.EP	This command pops the pointing level back to the next highest level.
One must be supplied to match every "BP". It has no arguments.
\&.IN	This turns off filling and moves the indent in by any argument
given eg.
\&.IN 10
would indent 10 units.
If no argument is given, the default indent is 7 units.
\&.OT	This command removes the effect of the "IN" command
restoring the original indent.
No arguments are accepted.
\&.PA	Takes a paragraph.
\&.NS	Starts a new section, underlining the heading.
\&.UL	Underlines the next line.
\&.FO	This specifies a foot title. The argument given will
appear at the bottom-left
of all pages.
The page number will appear at bottom-center and
the date appears at the bottom-right.
an example
\&.FO "Dr. J.P. Beale Esq."
\&.HE	This specifies a head title.
The three arguments given appear at the top-left, -center
and -right of all pages.
Extra long arguments may cause problems.
An example
\&.AR	This resets the page number to 1 and causes future
printing of page numbers to be in arabic numerals.
\&.BR	This resets the page number to 1 and causes future
printing of page numbers to be in big roman numerals.
\&.LR	This resets the page number to 1 and causes future
printing of page numbers to be in little roman numerals.