
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

char *asctab[128] {
"\0",	/*blank*/
"h",	/*h*/
"t",	/*t*/
"n",	/*n*/
"m",	/*m*/
"l",	/*l*/
"i",	/*i*/
"z",	/*z*/
"s",	/*s*/
"d",	/*d*/
"b",	/*b*/
"x",	/*x*/
"f",	/*f*/
"j",	/*j*/
"u",	/*u*/
"k",	/*k*/
"\0",	/*blank*/
"p",	/*p*/
"-",	/*_ 3/4 em dash*/
";",	/*;*/
"\0",	/*blank*/
"a",	/*a*/
"_",	/*rule*/
"c",	/*c*/
"`",	/*` open*/
"e",	/*e*/
"\'",	/*' close*/
"o",	/*o*/
"\0",	/*1/4*/
"r",	/*r*/
"\0",	/*1/2*/
"v",	/*v*/
"-",	/*- hyphen*/
"w",	/*w*/
"q",	/*q*/
"/",	/*/*/
".",	/*.*/
"g",	/*g*/
"\0",	/*3/4*/
",",	/*,*/
"&",	/*&*/
"y",	/*y*/
"\0",	/*blank*/
"%",	/*%*/
"\0",	/*blank*/
"Q",	/*Q*/
"T",	/*T*/
"O",	/*O*/
"H",	/*H*/
"N",	/*N*/
"M",	/*M*/
"L",	/*L*/
"R",	/*R*/
"G",	/*G*/
"I",	/*I*/
"P",	/*P*/
"C",	/*C*/
"V",	/*V*/
"E",	/*E*/
"Z",	/*Z*/
"D",	/*D*/
"B",	/*B*/
"S",	/*S*/
"Y",	/*Y*/
"\0",	/*blank*/
"F",	/*F*/
"X",	/*X*/
"A",	/*A*/
"W",	/*W*/
"J",	/*J*/
"U",	/*U*/
"K",	/*K*/
"0",	/*0*/
"1",	/*1*/
"2",	/*2*/
"3",	/*3*/
"4",	/*4*/
"5",	/*5*/
"6",	/*6*/
"7",	/*7*/
"8",	/*8*/
"9",	/*9*/
"*",	/***/
"-",	/*minus*/
-1,	/*fi*/
-1,	/*fl*/
-1,	/*ff*/
"\033\016Z\bM\033\017",	/*cent sign*/
-1,	/*ffl*/
-1,	/*ffi*/
"(",	/*(*/
")",	/*)*/
"[",	/*[*/
"]",	/*]*/
"\033\016J\033\017",	/*degree*/
"\033\016M\b_\033\017",	/*dagger*/
"=",	/*=*/
"\033\016O\b&\033\017",	/*registered*/
":",	/*:*/
"+",	/*+*/
"\0",	/*blank*/
"!",	/*!*/
"\033\016O\b~\033\017",	/*bullet*/
"?",	/*?*/
"\'",	/*foot mark*/
"|",	/*|*/
"\0",	/*blank*/
"\033\016O\b#\033\017",	/*copyright*/
"\033\016L\033\017",	/*square*/
"$" };	/*$*/

char *spectab[128] {
"\0",	/*blank*/
"\033\016(\bM\033\017",	/*psi*/
"\033\016o\b_\033\017",	/*theta*/
"v\b)",	/*nu*/
"\033\016V\b,\033\017",	/*mu*/
"\033\016)\b?\033\017",	/*lambda*/
"\033\016I\033\017",	/*iota*/
"S\b\033\016Z\033\017",	/*zeta*/
"o\b\'",	/*sigma*/
"o\b\033\0165\033\017",	/*delta*/
"\033\016b\033\017",	/*beta*/
"\033\016e\bc\033\017",	/*xi*/
"j\b\033\016C\033\017",	/*eta*/
"\033\016O\bM\033\017",	/*phi*/
"\033\016(\033\017",	/*upsilon*/
"\033\016k\033\017",	/*kappa*/
"\0",	/*blank*/
"T\b\033\016S\033\017",	/*pi*/
"@",	/*at-sign*/
"\033\016U\033\017",	/*down arrow*/
"\0",	/*blank*/
"\033\016A\033\017",	/*alpha*/
"|",	/*or*/
"l\b/",	/*chi*/
"\"",	/*"*/
"\033\016E\033\017",	/*epsilon*/
"=",	/*=*/
"\033\016O\033\017",	/*omicron*/
"\033\016[\033\017",	/*left arrow*/
"\033\016R\033\017",	/*rho*/
"\033\016Y\033\017",	/*up arrow*/
"\033\016N\033\017",	/*tau*/
"_",	/*underrule*/
"\\",	/*\*/
"I\b\033\016(\033\017",	/*Psi*/
"\033\016O\bJ\033\017",	/*bell system sign*/
"\033\016W\bX\033\017",	/*infinity*/
"`\b/",	/*gamma*/
"\033\016X\bF\033\017",	/*improper superset*/
"\033\016A\033\017",	/*proportional to*/
"\033\016\\\b]\033\017",	/*right hand*/
"\033\016W\033\017",	/*omega*/
"\0",	/*blank*/
"\033\016G\033\017",	/*gradient*/
"\0",	/*blank*/
"I\033\016\bO\033\017",	/*Phi*/
"O\b=",	/*Theta*/
"O\b_",	/*Omega*/
"\033\016V\033\017",	/*cup (union)*/
"\033\016@\033\017",	/*root en*/
"s",	/*terminal sigma*/
"\033\016)\bK\033\017",	/*Lambda*/
"-",	/*minus*/
"\033\016S\bK\033\017",	/*Gamma*/
"\033\016i\033\017",	/*integral sign*/
"\033\016t\b'\033\017",	/*Pi*/
"\033\016Z\033\017",	/*subset of*/
"\033\016X\033\017",	/*superset of*/
"\033\016T\033\017",	/*approximates*/
"o\b`",	/*partial derivative*/
"\033\016H\033\017",	/*Delta*/
"\033\016I\b'\033\017",	/*square root*/
">\b\033\016F\b@\033\017",	/*Sigma*/
"\033\016T\bF\033\017",	/*approx =*/
"\0",	/*blank*/
">",	/*>*/
"\033\016_\bF\b@\033\017",	/*Xi*/
"<",	/*<*/
"/",	/*slash (longer)*/
"\033\016C\033\017",	/*cap (intersection)*/
"\033\016y\033\017",	/*Upsilon*/
"\033\016|\033\017",	/*not*/
"|",	/*right ceiling (rt of ")*/
"|",	/*left top (of big curly)*/
"|",	/*bold vertical*/
"|",	/*left center of big curly bracket*/
"|",	/*left bottom*/
"|",	/*right top*/
"|",	/*right center of big curly bracket*/
"|",	/*right bot*/
"|",	/*right floor (rb of ")*/
"|",	/*left floor (left bot of big sq bract)*/
"|",	/*left ceiling (lt of ")*/
"\033\016=\033\017",	/*multiply*/
"\033\016+\033\017",	/*divide*/
"+\b_",	/*plus-minus*/
"\033\016$\033\017",	/*<=*/
"\033\016^\033\017",	/*>=*/
"=\b_",	/*identically equal*/
"\033\016*\033\017",	/*not equal*/
"{",	/*{*/
"}",	/*}*/
"\'",	/*' acute accent*/
"`",	/*` grave accent*/
"^",	/*^*/
"#",	/*sharp*/
"\033\016|\b[\033\017",	/*left hand*/
"\033\016c\b_\033\017",	/*member of*/
"~",	/*~*/
"\033\016O\b/\033\017",	/*empty set*/
"\0",	/*blank*/
"\033\016%\bM\033\017",	/*dbl dagger*/
"|",	/*box rule*/
"*",	/*asterisk*/
"\033\016Z\bF\033\017",	/*improper subset*/
"\033\016O\033\017",	/*circle*/
"\0",	/*blank*/
"+",	/*eqn plus*/
"\033\016]\033\017",	/*right arrow*/
"g\b\033\016C\033\017" };	/*section mark*/