
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

	formatters	source for nroff and troff
	terminals	terminal driving tables for nroff
	fonts		font width tables for troff
	programs	useful ancillary programs
	tests		test input for nroff and troff

The run file in formatters creates nroff, troff, and the suffix table,
which have to be copied to their final resting place, e.g /usr/bin
for the first two, /usr/lib for the latter.

The following indicates where builtin pathnames are located.
n2.c:	if((ptid != 1) && paper && ((i=open("/usr/jfo/tr.acct",1)) >0)){
	[paper accounting file; create it by "date >/usr/jfo/tr.acct "
	or >wherever_you_want_it;
	read it with programs/tacct.c]
ni.c:char nextf[NS] "/usr/lib/tmac.xxxxx";
	[macro packages; e.g. tmac.s for -ms]
ni.c:char termtab[NS] "/usr/lib/term/37";
ni.c:char suftab[] "/usr/lib/suftab";
t6.c:char fontfile[] "/usr/lib/font/XX";

In the programs directory,
pti.s is a phototypesetter interpreter used to see in
painfull detail what troff is telling the hardware to do:
troff -t | pti is the usage.

tk.c is a general purpose pipe interface to the TEK4014;
it understands Model 37 Teletype half-line and reverse line motions
(default nroff output) and also squeezes 66 lines into a 64 line
baseline space.
It waits for a newline from the keyboard between pages.
Options are "-t" for not waiting between pages and "-pLs"
for redefineing the page length to L inches if s=i or L lines
if s is null.

tcat.c (with tcat1.c) interprets troff output onto a TEK4014.
It squeezes an 11inch page into the 4014's 10.7 inches by
compression at the bottom.
It also waits for a newline between pages.
Typical use is
troff -t files | tcat
tcat options are "-t" as above "-sN" to skip the first N pages and
"-pLs" to redefine the page length (if s=i inches, =c centimeters,
=p points, =P picas, =null lines).

Finally, the file
usr-lib-tmac.s should be copied to /usr/lib/tmac.s, which makes it
into the '-ms' macro package.