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Miscellaneous Wollongong University commands

al	- create files in specified mode
attach	- attach/detach terminals by changing /etc/ttys and signalling init
beep	- ring terminal bell
bs	- perform tty-like backspace-delete function on a file
cv	- convert numbers to different bases
cvo	- convert Interdata CAL object format to a.out
cvtask	- convert Interdata TET task format to a.out
dcopy	- recursively copy directory and contents
dfi	- display files on Interdata OS/MT disc
export	- copy file onto Interdata OS/MT disc
import	- copy file from Interdata OS/MT disc
log	- log input/output from terminal session onto a file
press	- compress strings of duplicate characters from a file
rkdump	- transform image of PDP-11 UNIX filesystem to dump tape format
tc	- mag tape commands
tm	- mag tape map of records and filemarks
xlib	- expand Interdata CAL object library to a.out files