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	entry	dump,uregs,eregs
	extrn	memtop
r0	equ	0
r1	equ	1
r2	equ	2
r3	equ	3
rf	equ	15
* Dump all of core to mag tape
dump	equ	*
	lpsw	dump.psw	reg set 15, disabled
dump1	equ	*
	stm	r0,uregs	save reg set 15
	lis	r0,0		reg set 0, disabled
	epsr	r1,r0
	stm	r0,eregs	save reg set 0
* Set up tape
*	equ	*
	lhi	r1,x'f0'	selch address
	lhi	r2,x'c5'	magtape address
	oc	r1,	stop selch
	oc	r2,	clear tape controller
	oc	r2,	rewind tape
	bal	rf,dump.wt
	oc	r2,	write a file mark
	bal	rf,dump.wt
	oc	r2,	backspace over the file mark
	bal	rf,dump.wt
* Dump core in 8k blocks
	lis	r3,0		start at origin
dump.lp	equ	*
	st	r3,	start address
	wd	r1,	write address to selch
	wh	r1,
	ahi	r3,8191		end address
	st	r3,
	wd	r1,	write address to selch
	wh	r1,
	oc	r2,mt.wr	start tape writing
	oc	r1,selch.go	start selch	ssr	r1,r0		wait for selch
	btc	x'8',
	oc	r1,	stop selch
	bal	rf,dump.wt
	ais	r3,1		next core block
	c	r3,memtop	end of core?
	bl	dump.lp
* Write file mark, rewind tape & halt CPU
	oc	r2,	write file mark
	bal	rf,dump.wt
	oc	r2,	rewind tape
	bal	rf,dump.wt
	li	r0,y'8000'	go into disabled wait state
	epsr	r1,r0
	b		if restarted, try again
* Subroutine to wait for 'No Motion' status on tape
dump.wt	equ	*
	ssr	r2,r0		sense tape status
	thi	r0,x'10'	no motion?
	bz	dump.wt		no - loop
	br	rf		yes - return
* Mag tape commands
*	db	x'20'	clear controller	db	x'38'	rewind tape	db	x'30'	write file mark	db	x'11'	backspace
mt.wr	db	x'22'	write
* Selch commands
*	db	x'08'	stop selch
selch.go	db	x'10'	start selch
* Register save area
	align	8
eregs	das	16	register set 0
uregs	das	16	register set 15
dump.psw	dc	y'f0',dump1	das	1