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.if t .sp 5p
Programmer's Manual
(Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and a cast of thousands).
Lists commands,
system routines and interfaces, file formats,
and some of the maintenance procedures.
You can't live without this,
although you will probably only read section I.
.if t .sp 5p
Time-sharing System
(Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie).
CACM, July 1974.
An overview of the system,
for people interested in operating systems.
Worth reading by anyone who programs.
Contains a remarkable number of one-sentence observations
on how to do things right.
.if t .sp 5p
Document Preparation:
.if t .sp 5p
A Tutorial Introduction to the
Text Editor.
(Brian Kernighan).
Bell Laboratories internal memorandum.
Weak on the more esoteric uses of the editor,
but still probably the easiest way to learn
.C ed .
.if t .sp 5p
Typing Documents on
(Mike Lesk).
Bell Laboratories internal memorandum.
A macro package to isolate the novice
from the vagaries of the formatting programs.
If this specific package isn't available on your system,
something similar probably is.
This one works with both
.C nroff
.C troff .
.if t .sp 5p
.if t .sp 5p
Programming in C: A Tutorial
(Brian Kernighan).
Bell Laboratories internal memorandum.
The easiest way to start learning C,
but it's no help at all with the interface to the system
beyond the simplest IO.
Should be read in conjunction with
.if t .sp 5p
C Reference Manual
(Dennis Ritchie).
Bell Laboratories internal memorandum.
An excellent reference,
but a bit heavy going for the beginner,
especially one who has never used a language like C.
.if t .sp 5p
.if t .sp 5p
D. M. Ritchie,
UNIX Assembler Reference Manual.
.sp 2p
B. W. Kernighan and L. L. Cherry,
A System for Typesetting Mathematics,
Computing Science Tech. Rep. 17.
.sp 2p
M. E. Lesk and B. A. Barres,
The GCOS C Library.
Bell Laboratories internal memorandum.
.sp 2p
K. Thompson and D. M. Ritchie,
Setting Up UNIX.
.sp 2p
M. D. McIlroy,
.sp 2p
D. M. Ritchie,
The UNIX I/O System.
.sp 2p
A. D. Hall,
The M6 Macro Processor,
Computing Science Tech. Rep. 2.
.sp 2p
J. F. Ossanna,
NROFF User's Manual _ Second Edition,
Bell Laboratories internal memorandum.
.sp 2p
D. M. Ritchie and K. Thompson,
Regenerating System Software.
.sp 2p
B. W. Kernighan,
Ratfor_A Rational Fortran,
Bell Laboratories internal memorandum.
.sp 2p
M. D. McIlroy,
Synthetic English Speech by Rule,
Computing Science Tech. Rep. 14.
.sp 2p
M. D. McIlroy,
Bell Laboratories internal memorandum.
.sp 2p
J. F. Ossanna,
TROFF Users' Manual,
Bell Laboratories internal memorandum.
.sp 2p
B. W. Kernighan,
TROFF Made Trivial,
Bell Laboratories internal memorandum.
.sp 2p
R. H. Morris and L. L. Cherry,
Computer Detection of Typographical Errors,
Computing Science Tech. Rep. 18.
.sp 2p
S. C. Johnson,
YACC (Yet Another Compiler-Compiler),
Bell Laboratories internal memorandum.
.sp 2p
P. J. Plauger,
Programming in LIL: A Tutorial,
Bell Laboratories internal memorandum.