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.TM "76-1352-7" 39394 39394-11
.po +6
.ND December 10, 1976
The MINI-UNIX System
Operating Systems
.AU "MH 7C-211" 6170
H. Lycklama
The MINI-UNIX Operating System is basically the UNIX
Operating System re-written in C to run on a PDP-11
processor without a segmentation unit.
The system supports all of the standard system calls of UNIX
with the exception of: ptrace, pipe, prof, getgid and setgid.
The entire system resides in 12K words of memory
and is written in the C language.
An emulation package is included for those machines
which do not support the extended instruction set
(e.g. mul, div, ash, etc.).
The system will support up to 4 users using a simple
round-robin time-slice scheduling algorithm.
It provides an inexpensive software development
system in a UNIX time-sharing environment
for those installations with insufficient hardware
to support the full standard UNIX Operating System.
.CS 8 2 10 0 0 4