
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

This document discusses how to
assemble or compile various parts of the
MINI-UNIX system software.
This may be necessary because
a command or library is accidentally
deleted or otherwise
also, it may be desirable to install a modified
version of some command or library routine.
It should be noted that in the system as distributed,
there are quite a few commands that depend
to some degree on the current configuration
of the system;
thus in any new system modifications to some commands
are advisable.
Most of the likely modifications
relate to the standard disk devices contained
in the system.
For example, the
("disk free")
command has built into it the names of
the standardly present disk storage drives
(e.g. "/dev/rk0", "/dev/rk1").
takes an argument to indicate which
disk to examine, but it is convenient
if its default argument is adjusted to
reflect the ordinarily present devices.
The companion document "Setting up MINI-UNIX"
discusses which commands are likely to require
The greater part of the
source files for commands resides
in several subdirectories
of the directory /usr/source.
Each directory and subdirectory contains a "run" file
which contains "shell" sequences for re-compiling
all commands in that directory.
These subdirectories, and a general
description of their contents, are
.in 8
.ti -4
s1``Source files for most commands with names beginning
with "a" through "l".
.ti -4
s2``Source files for most commands with names beginning
with "m" through "z".
.ti -4
s3``Source files for subroutines contained
in the standard system library, "/lib/liba.a"
(see below).
.ti -4
s4``Source files for the C library, "/lib/libc.a"
(see below).
.ti -4
s5``Source files for more of the C library.
.ti -4
s7``Contains the source files for all the text formatters
roff, nroff and neqn.
They are separate because they overloaded the s2 directory.
.ti -4
as````Source files for assembler.
.ti -4
c`````Source files for C compiler.
.ti -4
cref``Source files for cross reference program.
.ti -4
fort``Source files for Fortran Compiler.
.ti -4
iolib`Source files for Portable C library.
.ti -4
m6````Source files for Macro Processor.
.ti -4
mdec``Source files for utility and boot programs.
.ti -4
rat```Source files for Ratfor.
.ti -4
salloc`Source files for storage allocation routines.
.ti -4
sno```Source files for Snobol Interpreter.
.ti -4
tmg```Source files for TMG compiler-compiler.
.ti -4
yacc``Source files for YACC compiler-compiler.
.in 0
To regenerate most commands in the s1 and s2 directories
is straightforward.
The appropriate directory will contain one or more source
files for the command.
These will all have the suffix ".s" if the command is written in assembler language,
or ".c" if it is written in C.
The first part of the name begins with
the name of the command.
If there are several source
the command name will be followed
by a character which distinguishes the
several files. it is typically "1", "2", ...;
Sometimes the last is "x".
For example,
The "bas" command has source files (in s1)
called "bas0.s", "bas1.s", ..., "bas4.s", "basx.s".
In all cases,
the lexicographical order of the distinguishing character
is the order in which the source files should be compiled
or assembled.
Thus, for example, the way to reassemble a new "bas"
is to say (in s1)
	as bas?.s
Some of the assembly-language commands
are completely stand-alone and require no
inclusion of routines from system libraries.
Unfortunately there is no
a priori
way of determining which
need  library routines.
A simple
a posteriori
method is to assemble the
command as discussed above, then say
	nm -u a.out
which will list the undefined external symbols.
If any appear, the loader should be called
by saying
	ld a.out -l
assembly-language programs require the application of the
link editor
(also loosely called the loader),
since the link editor automatically relocates the object
code to 060000 for a 12K MINI-UNIX system.
One important command which needs slightly special
treatment is "tp" which has to be loaded
with the C library:
	as tp?.s
	ld a.out -l -lc
because it calls the C-language ctime subroutine.
As it happens, there are no commands written in C
(except those described below)
which consist of more than one file.
The command "com.c" can therefore be recompiled
simply by saying
	cc -O com.c
Here the "-O" indicates the desire to
use the optimizer pass of the C compiler.
Some of the most important commands
are considerably more complicated to
regenerate, and these are discussed
specifically below.
The contents of libraries are also
The assembler consists of two executable files:
/bin/as and /lib/as2.
The first is the 0-th pass:
it reads the source program, converts it to
an intermediate form in a temporary file "/tmp/atm0?",
and estimates the final locations
of symbols.
It also makes two or three other temporary
files which contain the ordinary symbol table,
a table of temporary symbols (like n_:)
and possibly an overflow intermediate file.
The program /lib/as2
acts as an ordinary two-pass assembler
with input taken from the files produced by /bin/as.
The source files for /bin/as
are named "/usr/source/s1/as1?.s"
(there are 9 of them);
/lib/as2 is produced
from the source files
they likewise are 9 in number.
Considerable care should be exercised
in replacing either component of the
Remember that if the assembler is lost,
the only recourse is to replace it from some backup storage;
a broken assembler cannot assemble itself.
The C compiler consists of
four files:
"/bin/cc", which expands compiler control lines and
which calls the phases of the compiler proper,
the assembler, and the loader;
"/lib/c0", which is the first phase of the compiler;
"/lib/c1", which is the second phase of the compiler
; and "/lib/c2", which is the optional
third phase optimizer.
The loss of the C compiler is as serious
as that of the assembler.
The source for /bin/cc
resides in "/usr/source/s1/cc.c".
Its loss alone is not fatal.
Provided that prog.c does not contain any
compiler control lines,
prog.c can be compiled by
	/lib/c0 prog.c temp0 temp1
	/lib/c1 temp0 temp1 temp2
	as - temp2
	ld /lib/crt0.o a.out -lc -l
If /bin/cc is lost,
it can be recovered in this way,
since it contains no compiler control lines.
The source for the compiler proper is in the
directory /usr/c.
The first phase (c0)
is generated from the files c00.c, ..., c05.c,
which must be compiled by C;
c0t.s, which must be assembled;
and c0h.c, which is a header file which
should not be compiled but is a file
.it included
by the C programs of the first phase.
The c0t.s program contains a parameter
"fpp" which determines whether C is to be
used on a machine which has PDP 11/45 floating-point
hardware; it should be set to 1 if so, 0 if not.
In the standard system fpp is 0.
To make a new /lib/c0,
assemble c0t.s, name the output c0t.o,
	cc c0t.o c0[0-5].c
Before installing the new c0, it is prudent to save the old one someplace.
The second phase of C (/lib/c1)
is generated from the C source files c10.c, ..., c13.c,
the assembly-language program c1t.s,
the include-file c1h.c, and a library
of object-code tables called tab.a.
To generate a new second phase,
assemble c1t.s, call it c1t.o, and
	cc c1t.o c1[0-3].c tab.a
It is likewise prudent to save c1 before
installing a new version.
In fact in general it is wise to save the
object files for the C compiler so that
if disaster strikes C can be reconstituted
without a working version of the compiler.
In a similar manner,
the third phase of the C compiler
is made up from the files
c20.c and c21.c together with c2h.c.
Its loss is not critical since it is completely optional.
The library of tables mentioned above
is generated from the files
regtab.s, sptab.s, cctab.s, and efftab.s.
The order is not important.
These ".s" files are not in fact assembler source;
they must be converted by use of the
.it cvopt
program, whose source and object are
located in the C directory.
For example:
	cvopt regtab.s temp
	as temp
	mv a.out regtab.o
	ar r tab.a regtab.o
Refer to the 
.it run
shell sequence in the C directory for more
complete details.
Probably because it is a very large
subsystem written entirely in assembly language,
Fortran is quite complicated to regenerate.
On the other hand, Fortran is vital only to its own
since none of the compiler nor any
important part of the run-time system is
written in Fortran,
both can be regenerated in case of loss.
.it fc
command itself is essentially
equivalent to a long shell command file;
for a single source program
it amounts to saying
	/usr/fort/fc1 prog.f
	as - f.tmp1
	ld /lib/fr0.o a.out /lib/filib.a -lf -l
Thus, /usr/fort/fc1 is the compiler proper;
fc1 leaves its output in the current directory in the
file "f.tmp1".
/lib/fr0.o is the runtime startoff.
Filib.a is the library of operators;
Fortran is essentially interpretive,
and operations such as "add floating variable to floating
are short routines loaded from the filib.a library.
/lib/libf.a (specified by the "-lf") is an archive file
containing the language builtin functions
plus a few others.
The standard assembly language library
(the "-l", or /lib/liba.a)
is referenced by certain of the
builtin functions
(for routines like
The source and object of the compiler are stored in
subdirectories of the /usr/fort directory, named
f1, f2, f3, f4, and fx.
The first four represent putatively
separable phases; the last contains subroutines used by
several of the phases.
Each directory contains an archive file
with the object programs corresponding to the source programs in that
directory; it is called f?_o.a where "?" is the last letter in
the directory name.
To reload Fortran from theses libraries, see
the Shell command file /usr/fort/ld, which should contain
	ld -u pass1 -u pass2 -u pass3 -u pass4 \\
	   f1/f1o.a f2/f2o.a f3/f3o.a f4/f4o.a fx/fxo.a -l
Each subdirectory should contain a Shell command file
called "as" which assembles a particular file in that subdirectory;
the one for f1 contains, for example,
	as ../fx/fhd.s f1$1.s
	mv a.out $1.o
	ar r f1o.a f1$1.o
	rm f1$1.o
so that the command
	sh as 5
would assemble f15.s (preceded by the definition
file /usr/fort/fx/fhd.s)
and place it in the library for that subdirectory.
Actually we hope that no one will be required to make a new
Fortran from the pieces, or fix it themselves.
For those who are curious, we will say that phase 1
analyzes declarations, phase 2 does storage allocation,
phase 3 code generation, and phase 4 puts out constants,
code from format and data statements,
and the actual storage-reserving code for variables.
The source and object programs for MINI-UNIX are kept in
and three subdirectories therein.
The main directory contains several files with names ending
in ".h"; these are header files which are
picked up (via "#include ...")
as required by each system module.
The files lib1 and lib2 are libraries (archives)
of (almost) all the object programs
in the system.
Lib1 is made from the source programs in the
lib2 is made from the programs in subdirectory
The latter consists mostly of the device drivers
together with a few other things,
the former is the rest of the system.
contains the source code for all MINI-UNIX user programs
which have been modified from the standard UNIX programs.
subdirectory contains the progams which control the
device configuration of the system.
specifies the
contents of the interrupt vectors;
contains the tables which relate device numbers
to handler routines.
A third program, mch.s,
contains all the
machine-language code in the system.
A fourth program, emul.s
contains the software emulation package
to handle the extended instruction set, i.e.
those instructions which are not implemented in
the PDP-11/20 and PDP-11/10 processor hardware.
To recreate the system,
compile conf.c and move the output to /usr/sys/conf.o.
Assemble low.s
and move the output to /usr/sys/low.o.
Then change to
and load the whole system:
	ld -a -x low.o conf.o lib1 lib2
For convenience, this command line has been placed
into /usr/sys/shld.
Consult the "run" file and the companion document
"Setting Up MINI-UNIX - Sixth Edition"
for further details on creating a new system.
When the
done, the new system is present as
It can also be tested by putting it on tape
(tp-I) and using tboot or mboot,
or directly using uboot (boot procedures-VIII).
When you have satisfied yourself that it works,
it should be copied to /mx
so that programs like ps (I)
can use it to pick up addresses in the system.
A word of caution is in order here.
The size of a.out must be less than
055400 bytes for the system to run properly.
If the system is bigger than this, its size can be reduced
by removing one more system buffer (NBUF in param.h)
and recompiling all of the system source
using the "shs" shell sequence file in the
If enough space cannot be achieved in this manner,
the system size must grow beyond 12K words to the next
convenient boundary.
This requires major surgery; therefore think twice
before you do it.
To form a new system with the size greater than 12K words,
the file "mxsys/param.h" must be edited
to change the following three parameters:
Re-compile the complete system using the "run" command
as before.
A new root file system must be made and all
system command programs must be re-compiled.
Before proceeding, change the value of
the TOPSYS parameter in "sys/source/ld.c" to the appropriate
value and re-compile the link editor
At some point the value of "uorg" in sys/source/db1.s
must also be changed and the debugger
re-assembled and link-edited for the new
root file system.
The complete re-compilation of all user command
programs is likely to take the better part of a day.
To install a new device driver,
compile it and place the object in lib2 if necessary.
(All the device drivers distributed with
the system are already there.)
The device's
vector must be entered in
This involves placing a pointer to a callout routine
and the device's priority level in the vector.
As an example, consider installing the interrupt vector
for DC11 number 2.
Its receiver interrupts at location 320 and the transmitter at 324,
both at priority level 5.
Then low.s has:
	. = 320^.
	dcin; br5+2
	dcou; br5+2
First, notice that the entries in low.s must be in order,
since the assembler does not permit moving the
location counter "." backwards.
The assembler also does not permit assignation of
an absolute number to ".", which is the
reason for the ". = 320^." subterfuge;
consult the Assembler Manual for the meaning of the notation.
If a constant smaller than 16(10) is added to the
priority level,
this number will be available as the first argument of the interrupt routine.
This stratagem is used when
several similar devices share the same interrupt routine.
At the end of low.s,
		.globl	_dcrint
		jsr	r0,call; _dcrint
		.globl	_dcxint
		jsr	r0,call; _dcxint
.it call
saves registers as required and makes a C-style
call on the actual interrupt routine (here _dcrint and _dcxint)
named after the jsr instruction.
When the routine returns,
.it call
restores the registers and performs an
rti instruction.
To install a new device thus requires
knowing the name of its interrupt routines.
These routines are in general easily found
in the driver; they typically end in the letters
"int" or "intr."
Notice that external names in C programs have an
underscore "_" prepended to them.
The second step which must be performed to add a new device is
to add it to the configuration table
This file contains two subtables,
one for block-type devices, and one for character-type devices.
Block devices include disks, DECtape, and magtape.
All other devices are character devices.
A line in each of these tables gives all the information
the system needs to know about the device handler;
the ordinal position of the line in the table implies
its major device number, starting at 0.
The appropriate editing must be done in conf.c
and then it must be re-compiled and the object module
moved to /usr/sys/conf.o.
There are four subentries per line in the block device table,
which give its open routine, close routine, strategy routine, and
device table.
The open and close routines may be nonexistent,
in which case the name "nulldev" is given;
this routine merely returns.
The strategy routine is called to do any I/O,
and the device table contains status information for the device.
For character devices, each line in the table
specifies a routine for open,
close, read, and write, and one which sets and returns
device-specific status (used, for example, for stty and gtty
on typewriters).
If there is no open or close routine, "nulldev" may
be given; if there is no read, write, or status
routine, "nodev" may be given.
This return sets an error flag and returns.
The above discussion is admittedly rather cryptic
in the absence of a general
description of system I/O interfaces.
The final step which must
be taken to install a device is to make a special file for it.
This is done by mknod (VIII), to which you must specify the
device class (block or character),
major device number (relative line in the configuration table)
and minor device number
(which is made available to the driver at appropriate times).