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.th DATE I 11/1/74
.sh NAME
date \*- print and set the date
.bd date
.bd s
[ mmddhhmm[yy] ]
If no argument is given, the current date and time are printed.
If an argument is given, the current date is set.
The first
.it mm
is the month number;
.it dd
is the day number in the month;
.it hh
is the hour number (24 hour system);
the second
.it mm
is the minute number;
.it yy
is the last 2 digits of the year number and is optional.
For example:
.bd"      date 10080045"
sets the date to Oct 8, 12:45 AM.
The current year is the default if no year is mentioned.
The system operates in GMT.
.it Date
takes care of the conversion to and from
local standard and daylight time.
If the argument is ``s,''
.it date
calls the network file store via the TIU interface
(if present) and sets the clock to the
time thereby obtained.
``No permission'' if
you aren't the super-user and you try to change the date;
``bad conversion'' if the date set is syntactically incorrect.
.sh BUGS