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.th NEQN I 4/30/74
.sh NAME
neqn \*- typeset mathematics on terminal
.bd neqn
[ file ] ...
.it Neqn
is an nroff (I)
The input language is the same as that of
eqn (I).
Normal usage is almost always
	neqn file ... | nroff
Output is meant for terminals with
forward and reverse capabilities, such as
the Model 37 teletype or GSI terminal.
If no arguments are specified,
.it neqn
reads the standard input,
so it may be used as a filter.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
eqn (I), gsi (VI)
.sh BUGS
Because of some interactions with 
.it nroff
there may not always be enough space left before and after
lines containing equations.