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including files from this version of Unix.

.th OPR I 7/17/74
.sh NAME
opr \*- off line print
.bd opr
[ \fB\*-\fRdestination ]
.bd \*-crm
[ name ... ]
.it Opr
causes the named files to be printed off line at the specified destination.
If no names appear the standard input is assumed.
At the mother system
the following destinations are recognized.
The default destination is 
.bd mh.
.lp +4 4
\fBlp\fR	Local line printer.
.lp +4 4
\fBmh\fR	GCOS at Murray Hill Comp Center.
GCOS identification must be registered in
the UNIX password file (see
passwd (V)).
.lp +4 4
\fBsp\fR	Spider network printer.
.lp +4 4
\fIxx\fR	The two-character code 
.it xx
is taken to be a Murray Hill GCOS station id.
Useful codes are `r1' for quality print
and `q1' for quality print with special ribbon.
.it Opr
uses spooling daemons that do the job
when facilities become available.
.bd \*-r
causes the named files to be removed
when spooled.
.bd \*-c
causes copies to be made so as to insulate
the daemons from any intervening changes to the files.
.bd \*-m
causes mail to be sent
when UNIX is finished transmitting the file.
For GCOS jobs
the mail includes the snumb.
.if t .ta 1.2i
.if n .ta 14
/etc/passwd	personal ident cards
/lib/dpr	dataphone spooler
/etc/dpd	dataphone daemon
/usr/dpd/*	spool area
/lib/lpr	line printer spooler
/etc/lpd	line printer daemon
/usr/lpd/*	spool area
/lib/npr	spider network spooler
.sh "SEE ALSO"
fsend (I), dpd (VIII), lpd (VIII)
.sh BUGS
Line printer spooler doesn't handle flags.
Spider network spooler doesn't spool.