
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.th SPELL I 4/15/75
.sh NAME
spell \*- find spelling errors
.bd spell
.bd \*-v
file ...
.it Spell
collects the words from the named documents,
and looks them up in a dictionary.
The words not found are printed on the standard output.
Words which are reasonable transformations of dictionary entries
(e.g. a dictionary entry plus
.it s
are not printed.
If no files are given, the input is from the standard input.
If the
.bd \*-v
flag is given, all words which are not literally in the dictionary are printed;
those which can be transformed to lie in the dictionary are so marked,
and the others are marked with asterisks.
The process takes several minutes.
/usr/lib/w2006, /usr/dict/words, /usr/lib/spell[123]
.sh "SEE ALSO"
typo (I)
.sh BUGS
Because of the mapping into lower case and the stripping of
special characters, words may be hard to locate in the original text.
The escape sequences of troff (I) are not correctly recognized.
More suffixes, and perhaps some prefixes, should be added.
The dictionary cannot be distributed because of
copyright limitations.