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.th GTTY II 8/5/73
.sh NAME
gtty  \*-  get typewriter status
(gtty = 32.)
(file descriptor in r0)
.ft B
sys gtty; arg
arg: .=.+6
gtty(fildes, arg)
int arg[3];
.ft R
.it Gtty
stores in the three words addressed by
.it arg
the status
of the typewriter whose file descriptor is given in r0
(resp. given as the first argument).
The format is the same as that passed by
.it stty.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
stty (II)
Error bit
(c-bit) is set if the file descriptor does not refer
to a typewriter.
From C, a \*-1 value is returned for an
error, 0, for a successful call.