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.th LINK II 8/5/73
.sh NAME
link \*- link to a file
(link = 9.)
.ft B
sys link; name1; name2
link(name1, name2)
char *name1, *name2;
.ft R
A link
.it name1
is created;
the link has the name
.it name2.
Either name may be an arbitrary path name.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
link (I), unlink (II)
The error bit
(c-bit) is set when
.it name1
cannot be found; when
.it name2
already exists; when the directory of
.it name2
cannot be written; when
an attempt is made to link to a directory by a user
other than the super-user;
when an attempt is made to link
to a file on another file system;
when more than 127 links are made.
From C, a \*-1 return indicates an error,
a 0 return indicates success.