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.th GROUP V 2/10/75
.sh NAME
group \*- group file
.it Group
contains for each group the
following information:
.lp +10 5
group name
.lp +10 5
encrypted password
.lp +10 5
numerical group ID
.lp +10 5
a comma separated list of all users allowed in the group
This is an ASCII file.
The fields are separated
by colons;
Each group is separated from the next by a new-line.
If the password field is null, no password is demanded.
This file resides in directory /etc.
Because of the encrypted
passwords, it can and does have general read
permission and can be used, for example,
to map numerical group ID's to names.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
newgrp (I), login (I), crypt (III), passwd (I)