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.pa 1
.he 'CRYPT (I)'10/23/71'CRYPT (I)'
.ti 0
NAME		crypt -- encode/decode
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SYNOPSIS	crypt_____ [ password ]
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DESCRIPTION	crypt_____
is an exact implementation of Boris Hagelin's
cryptographic machine called the M-209 by the U. S. Army [1].

crypt_____ reads from the standard input file and writes
on the standard output.
For a given password, the encryption
process is idempotent;
that is,

	crypt znorkle <clear >cypher
	crypt znorkle <cypher

will print the clear.

crypt_____ is suitable
for use as a filter:

	pr <"crypt bandersnatch"<cypher

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SEE ALSO	[1] U. S. Patent 2,089,603.
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BUGS		--