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.he 'LN (I)'3/15/72'LN (I)'
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NAME		ln  --  make a link
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SYNOPSIS	ln__ name\d1\u [ name\d2\u ] 
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DESCRIPTION	ln__ creates a link to an existing file name\d1\u.
If name\d2\u is given, the link has that name;
otherwise it is placed in the current directory
and its name is the last component
of name\d1\u.
It is forbidden to link to a directory
or to link across file systems.
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BUGS		There is nothing particularly
wrong with ln__, but links don't work right with respect
to the backup system:  one copy is backed up for each link, and
(more serious) in case of a file system reload
both copies are restored and the information that a link was involved
is lost.