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.pa 1
.he 'MT (I)'6/12/72'MT (I)'
.ti 0
NAME		mt  --  manipulate magtape
.ti 0
SYNOPSIS	mt__  [ key ] [ name ... ]
.ti 0
saves and restores selected portions of the file system
hierarchy on magtape.
Its actions are controlled by the key___ argument.
The key is a string of characters containing
at most one function letter and possibly
one or more function modifiers.
Other arguments to the command are file or directory
names specifying which files are to be dumped, restored,
or tabled.

The function portion of
the key is specified by one of the following letters:

.in +6
.ti -3
r  The indicated files and directories, together with
all subdirectories, are dumped
onto the tape.
The old contents of the tape are lost.

.ti -3
x  extracts the named files from the tape to the file system.
The owner, mode, and date-modified are restored to what they
were when the file was dumped.
If no file argument is given, the entire contents of the
tape are extracted.

.ti -3
t  lists the names of all files stored on the tape which
are the same as or are hierarchically below
the file arguments.  If no file argument is given,
the entire contents of the tape are tabled.

.ti -3
l  is the same as t_ except that an expanded listing
is produced giving all the available information about the
listed files.

.in -6
The following characters may be used in addition to the letter
which selects the function desired.

.in +6
.ti -3
0, ..., 7  This modifier selects the drive on which the tape is mounted.
"0" is the default.

.ti -3
v  Normally mt__ does its work silently.  The v_ (verbose)
option causes it to type the name of each file it treats
preceded by a letter to indicate what is happening.

.in +2
 a  file is being added
 x  file is being extracted

.in -2
The v_ option can be used with r_ and x_ only.

.ti -3
f  causes
new entries copied on tape to be 'fake' in that
only the entries, not the data associated
with the entries are updated.
Such fake entries cannot be extracted.
Usable only with r_.

.ti -3
w  causes mt__ to pause before treating each file, type
the indicative letter and the file name (as with v_)
and await the user's response.  Response
"y" means "yes", so the file is treated.  Null response
means "no", and the file does not take part
in whatever is being done.  Response "x" means "exit";
the mt__ command terminates immediately.  In the x_ function,
files previously asked about
have been extracted already.
With r_, no change has been made to the tape.

.ti -3
m  make (create) directories during an x_ if necessary.
.in -6
.ti 0
FILES		/dev/mt?
.ti 0
SEE ALSO	tap(I), tap(V)
.ti 0
DIAGNOSTICS	Tape open error
Tape read error
Tape write error
Directory checksum
Directory overflow
Seek error
Tape overflow
Phase error (a file has changed after it was selected for
dumping but before it was dumped)
.ti 0
BUGS		If, during an "x",
the files are specified in a different order
than they are on the tape,
seek errors will result because the tape
cannot be rewound.