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.pa 1
.he 'SPEAK (I)'2/1/73'SPEAK (I)'
.ti 0
NAME		speak -- word to voice translator
.ti 0
SYNOPSIS	speak_____ [ -_ ] [ vocabulary ]
.ti 0
DESCRIPTION	speak_____
turns a stream of ascii words
into utterances and outputs them to a voice synthesizer.
It has facilities for maintaining a vocabulary.
It receives, from the standard input 

.in +2
.ti -2
- working lines - text of words separated by blanks
.ti -2
- phonetic lines - strings of phonemes for one word preceded
and separated by commas.
The phonetic code is given in vsp___(VII).
.ti -2
- empty lines
.ti -2
- command lines - beginning with !_.  The following forms
are recognized:

!_r_ file	replace coded vocabulary from file
!_w_ file	write coded vocabulary on file
!_p_	print phonetics for working word
!_l_	list vocabulary on standard output with phonetics
!c__ word	copy phonetics from working word to
specified word
!s__ file	(save) append working word and phonetics to file
in style of !l__

Each working line replaces its predecessor.
Its first word is the "working word".
Each phonetic line replaces the phonetics stored for the
working word.
Each working line, phonetic line or empty line
causes the working line to be uttered.
The process terminates at the end of input.

Unknown words are spelled
as strings of one-letter words.
Unknown one-letter words burp.

A phonetic line of comma only will delete the
entry for the working word.

speak_____ is initialized with a coded vocabulary stored in file
The vocabulary option substitutes a different file for speak.m_______.
The -_ option suppresses all utterances.
.ti 0
FILES		/etc/speak.m
.ti 0
SEE ALSO	vsp(VII), speakm(V), vt(IV)
.ti 0
BUGS		Vocabulary overflow is unchecked.
Excessively long words cause dumps.
Space is not reclaimed from deleted entries.