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including files from this version of Unix.

.pa 1
.he 'STAT (I)'3/15/72'STAT (I)'
.ti 0
NAME		stat  --  get file status
.ti 0
SYNOPSIS	stat____ name\d1\u ...
.ti 0
gives several kinds of information about one or more
   access mode
   number of links
   size in bytes
   date and time of last modification
   name (useful when several files are named)
All information is self-explanatory except the mode.
The mode is a six-character string whose characters mean the
.in +5
.ti -2
1 s: file is small (smaller than 4096 bytes)
l: file is large

.ti -2
2 d: file is a directory
x: file is executable
u: set user ID on execution
-: none of the above
.ti -2

3 r: owner can read
-: owner cannot read

.ti -2
4 w: owner can write
-: owner cannot write

.ti -2
5 r: non-owner can read
-: non-owner cannot read
.ti -2

6 w: non-owner can write
-: non-owner cannot write
.in -5
The owner is almost always given in symbolic form;  however
if he cannot be found in "/etc/passwd" a number is given.
If the number of arguments to stat____ is not exactly 1
a header is generated identifying the fields of the status information.
.ti 0
FILES		/etc/passwd
.ti 0
SEE ALSO	istat(I), ls(I) (-l option)
.ti 0
for any error.