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.pa 1
.he 'SUM (I)'3/15/72'SUM (I)'
.ti 0
NAME		sum  --  sum file
.ti 0
SYNOPSIS	sum___ name\d1\u ...
.ti 0
sums the contents of the bytes (mod 2^16) of
one or more files and prints the answer in octal.
A separate sum is printed for each file specified,
along with the number of whole or partial
512-byte blocks read.

In practice, sum___ is often used to verify that
all of a special file can be read without error.
.ti 0
FILES		none
.ti 0
.ti 0
DIAGNOSTICS	"oprd" if the file cannot be
opened; "?" if an error is discovered during the read.
.ti 0
BUGS		none