
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.pa 1
.he 'UN (I)'3/15/72'UN (I)'
.ti 0
NAME		un  --  undefined symbols
.ti 0
SYNOPSIS	un__ [ name ]
.ti 0
prints a list of undefined symbols from an assembly
or loader run.
If the file argument is not specified, a.out_____ is the default.
Names are listed alphabetically except that non-global
symbols come first.  Undefined global
symbols (unresolved external references) have their
first character underlined.
.ti 0
FILES		a.out
.ti 0
SEE ALSO	as(I), ld(I)
.ti 0
DIAGNOSTICS	"?" if the file cannot be found.
.ti 0
BUGS		--