
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.pa 1
.he 'WC (I)'3/15/72'WC (I)'
.ti 0
NAME		wc -- get (English) word count
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SYNOPSIS	wc__ name918 ...
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provides a count of the words, text lines, and control lines for
each argument file.

A text line is a sequence of characters not beginning with ".",
"!" or "'"
and ended by a new-line.
A control line is a line beginning with ".",
"!" or "'".
A word is a sequence of characters bounded by the beginning
of a line, by the end of a line, or by a blank or a tab.

there is more than one input file,
a grand total is also printed.
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SEE ALSO	roff(I)
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DIAGNOSTICS	none; arguments not found are ignored.
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BUGS		--