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.pa 1
.he 'BREAK (II)'3/15/72'BREAK (II)'
.ti 0
NAME		break  --  set program break
.ti 0
SYNOPSIS	sys break; addr  / break = 17.
.ti 0
DESCRIPTION	break_____
sets the system's idea of the highest location used by the program
to addr____.  Locations greater than addr____ and below the stack pointer
are not swapped and are thus liable to unexpected modification.
An argument of 0 is taken to mean 16K bytes.
If the argument is higher than the stack pointer the
entire user core area is swapped.
When a program begins execution via exec____
the break is set at the
highest location defined by the program
and data storage areas.
Ordinarily, therefore, only programs with growing
data areas need to use break_____.
.ti 0
.ti 0
DIAGNOSTICS	none; strange addresses cause the break to be
set at 16K bytes.
.ti 0
BUGS		--