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.he 'FORK (II)'3/15/72'FORK (II)'
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NAME		fork  --  spawn new process
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SYNOPSIS	sys fork  / fork = 2.
(new process return)
(old process return)
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is the only way new processes are created.
The new process's core image is a copy of
that of the caller of fork____; the only distinction
is the return location and the fact
that r0 in the old process contains the process ID
of the new process.
This process ID is used by wait____.
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SEE ALSO	wait(II), exec(II)
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DIAGNOSTICS	The error bit
(c-bit) is set in the old process if a new process
could not be created because of lack of process space.
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BUGS		See wait(II) for a subtile bug in process destruction.