
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.pa 1
.he 'SEEK (II)'3/15/72'SEEK (II)'
.ti 0
NAME		seek  --  move read/write pointer
.ti 0
SYNOPSIS	(file descriptor in r0)
sys seek; offset; ptrname  / seek = 19.
.ti 0
descriptor refers to a file open for reading or writing.
The read (resp. write) pointer for the file is set as follows:
.in +3
if ptrname_______ is 0, the pointer is set to offset______.
if ptrname_______
is 1, the pointer is set to its current location plus offset______.
if ptrname_______ is 2, the pointer is set to the size of the
file plus offset______.
.in -3
.ti 0
.ti 0
DIAGNOSTICS	The error bit
(c-bit) is set for an undefined file descriptor.
.ti 0
BUGS		A file
can conceptually be as large
as 2**20 bytes.
Clearly only 2**16 bytes can be addressed by
The problem is most acute on the
large special files.