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.pa 1
.he 'ATOF (III)'1/15/73'ATOF (III)'
.ti 0
NAME		atof -- ascii to floating
.ti 0
SYNOPSIS	jsr	r5,atof; subr
.ti 0
will convert an ascii stream to a floating
number returned in fr0.

The subroutine subr____
(supplied by the caller)
is called on r5 for each character of the
ascii stream.
subr____ should return the character in r0.
The first character not used in the conversion
is left in r0.
The only numbers recognized are:  an optional minus
sign followed by a string of digits optionally containing
one decimal point, then followed optionally by the
letter "e" followed by a signed integer.
The subroutine subr____ must not disturb any registers.
.ti 0
FILES		kept in /lib/liba.a
.ti 0
SEE ALSO	Calls atoi (III)
.ti 0
DIAGNOSTICS	There are none; overflow results in a very large
number and garbage characters terminate the scan.
.ti 0
routine should accept initial "+", initial blanks, and "E" for "e".

Overflow should be signalled with the carry bit.