
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.pa 1
.he 'NLIST (III)'6/12/72'NLIST (III)'
.ti 0
NAME		nlist -- get entries from name list
.ti 0
SYNOPSIS	jsr r5,nlist; file; list
.ti -6
file: <file name\\0>; .even
.ti -6
<name1xxx>; type1; value1
<name2xxx>; type2; value2
.ti 0
DESCRIPTION	nlist_____
will examine the name list in
the given assembler output file
and selectively extract a
list of values.
The name list consists of
a list of 8-character names (null padded)
each followed by two words.
The list is terminated with a zero.
Each name is looked up in the name list of
the file.
If the name is found, the type and value of the
name are placed in the two words following
the name.
If the name is not found, the type entry is set to -1.
This subroutine is useful for
examining the system name list kept in
the file /sys/sys/unix.
In this way programs can obtain system 'magic'
numbers that are up to date.
.ti 0
FILES		kept in /lib/liba.a
.ti 0
SEE ALSO	a.out(V)
.ti 0
type entries are set to -1 if the file cannot be found
or if it is not a valid namelist.
.ti 0
BUGS		--