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.pa 1
.he 'DP (IV)'3/15/72'DP (IV)'
.ti 0
NAME		dp -- dp-11 201 data-phone interface
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is a 201 data-phone interface file.
read____ and write_____ calls to dp?___
are limited to a maximum of 400 bytes.
Each write call is sent as a single record.
Seven bits from each byte
are written along with an eighth odd parity
The sync must be user supplied.
Each read call returns characters received from a
single record.
Seven bits are returned unaltered; the eighth bit
is set if the byte was not received in odd parity.
A 20 second time out is set and a zero byte
record is returned if nothing is received in that time.
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FILES		/dev/dp0	201 dataphone used to call GCOS
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SEE ALSO	dn(IV), gerts(III)
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BUGS		The dp__ file is
GCOS oriented.
It should be more flexible.