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.pa 1
.he 'TM (IV)'6/12/72'TM (IV)'
.ti 0
NAME		tm -- TM-11/TU-10 magtape interface
.ti 0
is the DEC TU10/TM11 magtape.
When opened for reading or writing,
the magtape is rewound.
A tape consists of a
series of 512 byte records terminated by an
Reading less than 512 bytes
causes the rest of a record to be ignored.
Writing less than a record causes
null padding to 512 bytes.
When the magtape is closed
after writing,
an end-of-file is written.
Seek has no effect on the magtape.
The magtape can only be opened once at
any instant.
.ti 0
FILES		/dev/mt0	selected drive 0
.ti 0
.ti 0
BUGS		Seek
should work on the magtape.
Also, a provision of having the tape open for
reading and writing should exist.
A multi-file and multi-reel facility should
be incorporated.