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.pa 1
.he 'YACC (VI)'1/20/73'YACC (VI)'
.ti 0
NAME		yacc -- yet another compiler compiler
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SYNOPSIS	_____________/crp/scj/yacc  [ <grammar ]
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DESCRIPTION	Yacc converts a context-free grammar into a set of
tables for a simple automaton which executes an LR(1) parsing
The tables are provided in readable form on the standard output
and in b-compiler format on file actn.b; the program
/crp/scj/bpar.b will parse strings using the actn.b file.
If your grammar is too big for yacc, you may
try /crp/scj/bigyacc,
some of whose size limits are
larger, and others smaller.
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FILES		actn.b  	output tables
actn.tmp	temporary storage
Note that these files are created in the invoker's
The file actn.tmp is only created by /crp/scj/bigyacc
(see above).
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SEE ALSO	Yacc manual, by scj (available from ek);
"LR Parsing", by A. V. Aho and S. C. Johnson, to be published.
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DIAGNOSTICS	There are various diagnostics, but only
one can be obtained in each run.
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BUGS		The maximum number of terminal and non-terminal symbols
is 50 each, and this is not checked.  There are
undoubtedly other bugs too.