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.he 'GLOB (VII)'6/15/72'GLOB (VII)'
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NAME		glob  --  generate command arguments
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SYNOPSIS	/etc/glob
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is used to expand arguments to the shell containing "*", '[', or
"?".  It is passed the argument list
containing the metacharacters; glob____
expands the list and calls the command itself.
The actions of glob____ are detailed in
the Shell writeup.
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FILES		found in /etc/glob
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DIAGNOSTICS	"No match", "No command", "No directory"
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BUGS		If any of
'*', '[', or '?' occurs both quoted and unquoted in the
original command line,
even the quoted metacharacters are expanded.

glob____ gives the "No match" diagnostic only if
no arguments at all result.
This is never the case if there is any
argument without a metacharacter.