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.pa 1
.he 'GREEK (VII)'10/31/72'GREEK (VII)'
.ti 0
NAME		greek -- graphics for extended ascii type box
.ti 0
SYNOPSIS	cat___ /usr/pub/greek______________
.ti 0
DESCRIPTION	greek_____
gives the mapping
from ascii
to the "shift out" graphics in effect between SO and SI 
on model 37 teletypes
with a 128-character type box.
It contains:

alpha     A  A  |  beta     B  B  |  gamma    \\  \\
GAMMA     G  G  |  delta    D  D  |  DELTA    W  W
epsilon   S  S  |  zeta     Q  Q  |  eta      N  N
theta     T  T  |  THETA    O  O  |  lambda   L  L
LAMBDA    E  E  |  mu       M  M  |  nu       @  @
xi        X  X  |  pi       J  J  |  PI       P  P
rho       K  K  |  sigma    Y  Y  |  SIGMA    R  R
tau       I  I  |  phi      U  U  |  PHI      F  F
psi       V  V  |  PSI      H  H  |  omega    C  C
OMEGA     Z  Z  |  nabla    [  [  |  not      _  _
partial   ]  ]  |  integral ^  ^  |
.ti 0
.ti 0
SEE ALSO	ascii (VII)
.ti 0
.ti 0
BUGS		--