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.he 'VSP (VII)'2/2/73'VSP (VII)'
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NAME		vsp -- voice synthesizer code
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SYNOPSIS	cat /usr/pub/vsp
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contains a list of phonemes understood by the voice
synthesizer on device vt__.
Phonemes are usually written in the form

comma inflection phoneme
The inflection and the phoneme codes are or-ed together.
The phoneme codes are as follows (numbers in octal).

.in 6
0  = 300  strong inflection	p  = 32   p_enny p_ound
1  = 200  			a0 = 33   co_ntact ca_r
2  = 100			a1 = 52   co_nnect
3  = 000  weak inflection	ai = 37   na_me ca_me
				aj = 71   na_mely
aw = 02   aw__ful law__		s  = 40   s_even s_ix
ie = 03   zer__o			d  = 41   d_o d_iet
e0 = 04   e_nter me_t		f  = 42   f_our f_ive
e1 = 76   se_ven			g  = 43   g_et g_rand
e2 = 77   seve_n			h  = 44   h_ello h_ow
er = 05   weather__		j  = 45   j_udge edg_e
th = 06   th__ree th__ick		k  = 46   c_ame lock_
dh = 07   th__is th__en		l  = 47   hell__o l_ight
yu = 27   u_se you_		oo = 50   loo__k boo__k
iu = 10   u_nite			ou = 51   goo__d shou__d
ju = 11   ne_w yo_u		ng = 53   ring__ ang__le
o0 = 31   o_nly no_		z  = 55   z_ero haz_y
o1 = 12   hello_			sh = 56   sh__ow sh__ip
o2 = 13   no_tice		ch = 57   ch__air ch__ime
u0 = 14   bu_t mu_st		v  = 60   sev_en ev_en
u1 = 15   u_ncle			b  = 61   b_all b_ed
u2 = 16   stirru_p		n  = 62   n_in_e seven_
u3 = 34   app_le ab_le		m  = 63   m_ile m_en
ae = 21   ca_t sa_t		iy = 66   lie__
ea = 20   a_ntenna		zh = 70   az_ure pleas_ure
w  = 22   w_on w_ish		ih = 72   statio__n conditio__n
ee = 23   three__			ay = 36   may_ lay_
r  = 24   r_adio r_adar_
t  = 25   t_wo t_ime		-0 = 35   long space
ey = 26   sixty_ eighty_		-1 = 17
i0 = 30   si_x mi_x		-2 = 01
i1 = 64   i_nept i_nside		-3 = 74   short delay
i2 = 65   crypti_c stati_c
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SEE ALSO	speak(I), vt(IV)