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.pa 1
.he '3/15/72''BOOT PROCEDURES (VII)'
.ti 0
NAME		bos, maki, rom, vcboot, msys, et al
.ti 0
.ti 0
the RF disk, the highest 16K words are
reserved for stand-alone programs.
These 16K words are allocated as follows:
bos		(1K)
Warm UNIX	(7K)
Cold UNIX	(8K)
The UNIX read only memory (ROM)
is home cut with 2 programs of 16 words each.
The first (address 173000)
reads bos___ from the RF disk into core
location 154000
and transfers to 154000.
The other ROM program
(address 173040)
reads a DECtape sitting in the end-zone
on drive 0
into core location 0 and transfers to 0.
This latter operation is compatible with
part of DEC's standard ROM.
The disassembled code for the UNIX ROM follows:
.in 8
173000:	mov	$177472,r0		12700;177472
	mov	$3,-(r0)		12740;3
	mov	$140000,-(r0)		12740;140000
	mov	$154000,-(r0)		12740;154000
	mov	$-2000,-(r0)		12740;176000
	mov	$5,-(r0)		12740;5
	tstb	(r0)			105710
	bge	.-2			2376
	jmp	*$154000		137;154000
173040:	mov	$177350,r0		12700;177350
	clr	-(r0)			5040
	mov	r0,-(r0)		10040
	mov	$3,-(r0)		12740;3
	tstb	(r0)			105710
	bge	.-2			2376
	tst	*$177350		5737;177350
	bne	.			1377
	movb	$5,(r0)			112710;5
	tstb	(r0)			105710
	bge	.-2			2376
	clr	pc			5007
.in 16
The program bos___ (Bootstrap Operating System)
examines the console switchs and executes
one of several internal programs depending on the setting.
The following settings are currently recognized:
.in +8
.ti -8
???	Will read Warm UNIX from
the RF into core location 0 and transfer to 600.
.ti -8
1	Will read Cold UNIX from the
RF into core location 0 and transfer to 600.
.ti -8
10	Will dump all of memory
from core location 0 onto DECtape drive 7
and then halt.
.ti -8
20	Will read 256 words from RK0 into
core 0 and transfer to zero.
This is the procedure to boot
DOS from an RK.
.ti -8
40	This is the same as 10 above, but
instead of halting, UNIX warm is loaded.
.ti -8
0	Will load a standard UNIX binary paper tape
into core location 0 and transfer to 0.
.ti -8
77500	Will load the standard DEC absolute and binary
loaders and transfer to 77500.
.in 16
Thus we come to the UNIX warm boot procedure:
put 173000 into the switches, push
load address
and then push
The alternate switch setting of 173030
that will load warm UNIX is used
as a signal to bring up
a single user system for special
For systems without a rom,
UNIX (both warm and cold)
have a copy of the disk boot
program at location 602.
This is probably a better warm boot
procedure because
the program at 602 also
attempts to complete outstanding I/O.
Cold boots can be accomplished with the
Cold UNIX program, but they're not.
Thus the Cold UNIX slot on the RF may have
any program desired.
This slot is, however, used during a cold boot.
Mount the UNIX INIT DECtape on drive
0 positioned in the end-zone.
Put 173040 into the switches.
load address.
Put 1 into the switches.
This reads a program called
from the tape into
core location 0 and transfers to it.
vcboot______ then reads 16K words from
the DECtape (blocks 1-32)
and copies the data to the highest 16K words of
the RF.
Thus this initializes the read-only part of the RF.
vcboot______ then reads in bos___ and executes it.
bos___ then reads in Cold UNIX and executes that.
Cold UNIX halts for a last chance before
it completely initializes the RF file system.
and Cold UNIX will initialize the RF.
It then sets into execution a user program
that reads the DECtape for initialization files
starting from block 33.
When this is done, the program executes
which should have been on the tape.
The INIT tape is made by the program maki____
running under UNIX.
maki____ writes vcboot______ on block 0 of
It then copies the RF 16K words (using
onto blocks 1 thru 32.
It has internally a list of files to
be copied from block 33 on.
This list follows:
.in +8
.in -8
Thus this is the set of programs available after a cold boot.
init____ and sh__ are mandatory.
For multi-user UNIX,
getty_____ and login_____ are also necessary.
mkdir_____ is necessary due to a bug in tap___.
tap___ and mount_____ are useful to
bring in new files.
As soon as possible, date____ should be done.
That leaves ls__ and chmod_____ as frosting.
The last link in this incestuous
daisy chain is the program msys____.
   msys____ char file
will copy the file file____ onto the
RF read only slot specified by the characacter char____.
Char is taken from the following set:
   b_ bos
   u_ Warm UNIX
   1_ Cold UNIX
Due to their rarity of use,
maki____ and msys____ are maintained off line and
must be reassembled before used.
.ti 0
FILES		/dev/rf0,
.ti 0
.ti 0
.ti 0
BUGS		This
section is very configuration dependent.
Thus, it does not
describe the boot procedure for
any one machine.
.ti 0
OWNER		ken