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including files from this version of Unix.

.xx "20boot(VIII) install new" "11/20 system"
.xx "vt(IV)" "11/20 (vt01) interface"
.xx "dp(IV) dp11" "201 data-phone interface"
.xx "gerts(III) Gerts communication over" "201"
.xx "" "20boot(VIII) install new 11/20 system"
.xx "type(I) type on" "2741"
.xx "" "a.out(V) assembler and link editor output"
.xx "dn(IV) dn11" "ACU interface"
.xx "shift(I)" "adjust Shell arguments"
.xx "yacc(VI) yet" "another compiler-compiler"
.xx "mail(I) send mail to" "another user"
.xx "write(I) write to" "another user"
.xx "atan(III)" "arc tangent function"
.xx "ar(I)" "archive and library maintainer"
.xx "ar(V)" "archive (library) file format"
.xx "nargs(III)" "argument count"
.xx "echo(I) echo" "arguments"
.xx "glob(VII) generate command" "arguments"
.xx "shift(I) adjust Shell" "arguments"
.xx "" "ar(I) archive and library maintainer"
.xx "" "ar(V) archive (library) file format"
.xx "ascii(VII) map of" "ASCII character set"
.xx "atof(III)" "ascii to floating"
.xx "greek(VII) graphics for extended" "ascii type-box"
.xx "" "ascii(VII) map of ASCII character set"
.xx "ctime(III) convert date and time to" "ASCII"
.xx "" "as(I) assembler"
.xx "a.out(V)" "assembler and link editor output"
.xx "as(I)" "assembler"
.xx "fed(I) edit" "associative memory for form letter"
.xx "nice(I) run a command" "at low priority"
.xx "" "atan(III) arc tangent function"
.xx "" "atof(III) ascii to floating"
.xx "wait(I)" "await completion of process"
.xx "" "azel(VI) obtain satellite predictions"
.xx "" "bas(I) basic"
.xx "bas(I)" "basic"
.xx "su(VIII)" "become privileged user"
.xx "strip(I) remove symbols and relocation" "bits"
.xx "" "bj(VI) the game of black jack"
.xx "bj(VI) the game of" "black jack"
.xx "sync(VIII) update the super" "block"
.xx "update(VIII) periodically update the super" "block"
.xx "" "boot procedures(VIII) UNIX startup"
.xx "" "break(II) set program break"
.xx "break(II) set program" "break"
.xx "getc(III)" "buffered input"
.xx "putc(III)" "buffered output"
.xx "mknod(VIII)" "build special file"
.xx "cc(I)" "C compiler"
.xx "cdb(I)" "C debugger"
.xx "hypot(III)" "calculate hypotenuse"
.xx "dc(I) desk" "calculator"
.xx "cal(VI) print" "calendar"
.xx "indir(II) indirect system" "call"
.xx "" "cal(VI) print calendar"
.xx "ierror(III)" "catch Fortran errors"
.xx "signal(II)" "catch or ignore signals"
.xx "" "cat(I) concatenate and print"
.xx "" "cat(IV) phototypesetter interface"
.xx "" "catsim(I) phototypesetter simulator"
.xx "" "cc(I) C compiler"
.xx "" "cdb(I) C debugger"
.xx "chmod(II)" "change mode of file"
.xx "chmod(I)" "change mode"
.xx "chown(I)" "change owner"
.xx "chown(II)" "change owner"
.xx "chdir(I)" "change working directory"
.xx "chdir(II)" "change working directory"
.xx "ascii(VII) map of ASCII" "character set"
.xx "getchar(III) read" "character"
.xx "putchar(III) write" "character"
.xx "" "chdir(I) change working directory"
.xx "" "chdir(II) change working directory"
.xx "" "check(VIII) file system consistency check"
.xx "check(VIII) file system consistency" "check"
.xx "" "chess(VI) the game of chess"
.xx "chess(VI) the game of" "chess"
.xx "" "chmod(I) change mode"
.xx "" "chmod(II) change mode of file"
.xx "" "chown(I) change owner"
.xx "" "chown(II) change owner"
.xx "clri(VIII)" "clear i-node"
.xx "close(II)" "close a file"
.xx "" "close(II) close a file"
.xx "" "clri(VIII) clear i-node"
.xx "" "cmp(I) compare two files"
.xx "vs(VII) voice synthesizer" "code"
.xx "glob(VII) generate" "command arguments"
.xx "nice(I) run a" "command at low priority"
.xx "exit(I) terminate" "command file"
.xx "nohup(I) run a" "command immune to hangups"
.xx "sh(I) shell" "(command interpreter)"
.xx "goto(I)" "command transfer"
.xx "if(I) conditional" "command"
.xx "time(I) time a" "command"
.xx "" "comm(I) print lines common to two files"
.xx "comm(I) print lines" "common to two files"
.xx "gerts(III) Gerts" "communication over 201"
.xx "dc(IV) DC-11" "communications interface"
.xx "cmp(I)" "compare two files"
.xx "proof(I)" "compare two text files"
.xx "" "compar(III) default comparison routine for qsort"
.xx "compar(III) default" "comparison routine for qsort"
.xx "tmg(VI)" "compiler-compiler"
.xx "yacc(VI) yet another" "compiler-compiler"
.xx "cc(I) C" "compiler"
.xx "fc(I) fortran" "compiler"
.xx "wait(I) await" "completion of process"
.xx "cat(I)" "concatenate and print"
.xx "if(I)" "conditional command"
.xx "check(VIII) file system" "consistency check"
.xx "csw(II) read" "console switches"
.xx "kl(IV) KL-11/TTY-33" "console typewriter"
.xx "mkfs(VIII)" "construct a file system"
.xx "ls(I) list" "contents of directory"
.xx "init(VII) process" "control initialization"
.xx "ecvt(III) output" "conversion"
.xx "ctime(III)" "convert date and time to ASCII"
.xx "cp(I)" "copy"
.xx "core(V) format of" "core image file"
.xx "mem(IV)" "core memory"
.xx "" "core(V) format of core image file"
.xx "sin(III) sine," "cosine"
.xx "nargs(III) argument" "count"
.xx "wc(I) get (English) word" "count"
.xx "tmheader(VII) TM" "cover sheet"
.xx "" "cp(I) copy"
.xx "creat(II)" "create a new file"
.xx "pipe(II)" "create a pipe"
.xx "" "creat(II) create a new file"
.xx "" "cref(I) make cross reference listing"
.xx "cref(I) make" "cross reference listing"
.xx "" "crypt(III) password encoding"
.xx "" "csw(II) read console switches"
.xx "" "ctime(III) convert date and time to ASCII"
.xx "" "cubic(VI) three dimensional tic-tac-toe"
.xx "ttyn(III) return name of" "current typewriter"
.xx "spline(VI) interpolate smooth" "curve"
.xx "dpd(VII) spawn data phone" "daemon"
.xx "" "da(IV) voice response unit"
.xx "dpd(VII) spawn" "data phone daemon"
.xx "dp(IV) dp11 201" "data-phone interface"
.xx "ctime(III) convert" "date and time to ASCII"
.xx "time(II) get" "date and time"
.xx "" "date(I) print and set the date"
.xx "date(I) print and set the" "date"
.xx "" "db(I) debug"
.xx "dc(IV)" "DC-11 communications interface"
.xx "" "dc(I) desk calculator"
.xx "" "dc(IV) DC-11 communications interface"
.xx "cdb(I) C" "debugger"
.xx "db(I)" "debug"
.xx "tp(V)" "DEC/mag tape formats"
.xx "tp(I) manipulate" "DECtape and magtape"
.xx "tc(IV) TC-11/TU56" "DECtape"
.xx "compar(III)" "default comparison routine for qsort"
.xx "dsw(I)" "delete interactively"
.xx "mesg(I) permit or" "deny messages"
.xx "dup(II) duplicate an open file" "descriptor"
.xx "dc(I)" "desk calculator"
.xx "file(I)" "determine format of file"
.xx "" "df(VIII) disk free"
.xx "wait(II) wait for process to" "die"
.xx "cubic(VI) three" "dimensional tic-tac-toe"
.xx "dir(V) format of" "directories"
.xx "unlink(II) remove" "directory entry"
.xx "mknod(II) make a" "directory or a special file"
.xx "chdir(I) change working" "directory"
.xx "chdir(II) change working" "directory"
.xx "ls(I) list contents of" "directory"
.xx "mkdir(I) make a" "directory"
.xx "rmdir(I) remove" "directory"
.xx "" "dir(V) format of directories"
.xx "factor(I)" "discover prime factors of a number"
.xx "rf(IV) RF11/RS11 fixed-head" "disk file"
.xx "df(VIII)" "disk free"
.xx "du(I) summarize" "disk usage"
.xx "rk(IV) RK-11/RK03 (or RK05)" "disk"
.xx "rp(IV) RP-11/RP03 moving-head" "disk"
.xx "umount(II)" "dismount file system"
.xx "umount(VIII)" "dismount file system"
.xx "vt(III)" "display (vt01) interface"
.xx "ldiv(III) long" "division"
.xx "dn(IV)" "dn11 ACU interface"
.xx "" "dn(IV) dn11 ACU interface"
.xx "kill(I)" "do in an unwanted process"
.xx "dp(IV)" "dp11 201 data-phone interface"
.xx "" "dpd(VII) spawn data phone daemon"
.xx "" "dp(IV) dp11 201 data-phone interface"
.xx "" "dsw(I) delete interactively"
.xx "" "du(I) summarize disk usage"
.xx "od(I) octal" "dump"
.xx "" "dup(II) duplicate an open file descriptor"
.xx "dup(II)" "duplicate an open file descriptor"
.xx "echo(I)" "echo arguments"
.xx "" "echo(I) echo arguments"
.xx "" "ecvt(III) output conversion"
.xx "" "ed(I) editor"
.xx "fed(I)" "edit associative memory for form letter"
.xx "a.out(V) assembler and link" "editor output"
.xx "ed(I)" "editor"
.xx "ld(I) link" "editor"
.xx "crypt(III) password" "encoding"
.xx "wc(I) get" "(English) word count"
.xx "nlist(III) get" "entries from name list"
.xx "unlink(II) remove directory" "entry"
.xx "sky(VI) obtain" "ephemerides"
.xx "perror(III) system" "error messages"
.xx "ierror(III) catch Fortran" "errors"
.xx "pfe(I) print floating" "exception"
.xx "" "exec(II) execute a file"
.xx "exec(II)" "execute a file"
.xx "reset(III)" "execute non-local goto"
.xx "sleep(I) suspend" "execution for an interval"
.xx "sleep(II) stop" "execution for interval"
.xx "" "exit(I) terminate command file"
.xx "" "exit(II) terminate process"
.xx "" "exp(III) exponential function"
.xx "exp(III)" "exponential function"
.xx "pow(III) floating" "exponentiation"
.xx "greek(VII) graphics for" "extended ascii type-box"
.xx "" "factor(I) discover prime factors of a number"
.xx "factor(I) discover prime" "factors of a number"
.xx "" "fc(I) fortran compiler"
.xx "" "fed(I) edit associative memory for form letter"
.xx "dup(II) duplicate an open" "file descriptor"
.xx "grep(I) search a" "file for a pattern"
.xx "ar(V) archive (library)" "file format"
.xx "split(I) split a" "file into pieces"
.xx "setfil(III) specify Fortran" "file name"
.xx "stat(II) get" "file status"
.xx "check(VIII)" "file system consistency check"
.xx "fs(V) format of" "file system volume"
.xx "mkfs(VIII) construct a" "file system"
.xx "mount(II) mount" "file system"
.xx "mount(VIII) mount" "file system"
.xx "umount(II) dismount" "file system"
.xx "umount(VIII) dismount" "file system"
.xx "" "file(I) determine format of file"
.xx "cmp(I) compare two" "files"
.xx "comm(I) print lines common to two" "files"
.xx "merge(I) merge several" "files"
.xx "proof(I) compare two text" "files"
.xx "reloc(VIII) relocate object" "files"
.xx "rm(I) remove (unlink)" "files"
.xx "chmod(II) change mode of" "file"
.xx "close(II) close a" "file"
.xx "core(V) format of core image" "file"
.xx "creat(II) create a new" "file"
.xx "exec(II) execute a" "file"
.xx "exit(I) terminate command" "file"
.xx "file(I) determine format of" "file"
.xx "fstat(II) get status of open" "file"
.xx "ino(VIII) get the i-number of a" "file"
.xx "link(II) link to a" "file"
.xx "mknod(II) make a directory or a special" "file"
.xx "mknod(VIII) build special" "file"
.xx "mv(I) move or rename a" "file"
.xx "passwd(V) password" "file"
.xx "pr(I) print" "file"
.xx "read(II) read from" "file"
.xx "rf(IV) RF11/RS11 fixed-head disk" "file"
.xx "size(I) size of an object" "file"
.xx "sort(I) sort a" "file"
.xx "sum(I) sum" "file"
.xx "uniq(I) report repeated lines in a" "file"
.xx "write(II) write on a" "file"
.xx "hyphen(VI)" "find hyphenated words"
.xx "typo(I)" "find possible typos"
.xx "rf(IV) RF11/RS11" "fixed-head disk file"
.xx "pfe(I) print" "floating exception"
.xx "pow(III)" "floating exponentiation"
.xx "fptrap(III)" "floating point interpreter"
.xx "atof(III) ascii to" "floating"
.xx "" "fork(II) spawn new process"
.xx "form(I)" "form letter generator"
.xx "fed(I) edit associative memory for" "form letter"
.xx "core(V)" "format of core image file"
.xx "dir(V)" "format of directories"
.xx "fs(V)" "format of file system volume"
.xx "file(I) determine" "format of file"
.xx "nroff(I)" "format text"
.xx "roff(I)" "format text"
.xx "troff(I)" "format text"
.xx "tp(V) DEC/mag tape" "formats"
.xx "printf(III)" "formatted print"
.xx "ar(V) archive (library) file" "format"
.xx "" "form(I) form letter generator"
.xx "fc(I)" "fortran compiler"
.xx "ierror(III) catch" "Fortran errors"
.xx "setfil(III) specify" "Fortran file name"
.xx "" "fptrap(III) floating point interpreter"
.xx "df(VIII) disk" "free"
.xx "read(II) read" "from file"
.xx "nlist(III) get entries" "from name list"
.xx "getpw(III) get name" "from UID"
.xx "" "fstat(II) get status of open file"
.xx "" "fs(V) format of file system volume"
.xx "atan(III) arc tangent" "function"
.xx "exp(III) exponential" "function"
.xx "sqrt(III) square root" "function"
.xx "bj(VI) the" "game of black jack"
.xx "chess(VI) the" "game of chess"
.xx "moo(VI) guessing" "game"
.xx "m6(VI)" "general purpose macro processor"
.xx "maze(VI)" "generate a maze problem"
.xx "glob(VII)" "generate command arguments"
.xx "form(I) form letter" "generator"
.xx "rand(III) random number" "generator"
.xx "gerts(III)" "Gerts communication over 201"
.xx "" "gerts(III) Gerts communication over 201"
.xx "time(II)" "get date and time"
.xx "wc(I)" "get (English) word count"
.xx "nlist(III)" "get entries from name list"
.xx "stat(II)" "get file status"
.xx "getgid(II)" "get group identification"
.xx "getpw(III)" "get name from UID"
.xx "times(II)" "get process times"
.xx "fstat(II)" "get status of open file"
.xx "ino(VIII)" "get the i-number of a file"
.xx "tty(I)" "get typewriter name"
.xx "gtty(II)" "get typewriter status"
.xx "getuid(II)" "get user identification"
.xx "" "getchar(III) read character"
.xx "" "getc(III) buffered input"
.xx "" "getgid(II) get group identification"
.xx "" "getpw(III) get name from UID"
.xx "" "getty(VII) set typewriter mode"
.xx "" "getuid(II) get user identification"
.xx "" "glob(VII) generate command arguments"
.xx "" "goto(I) command transfer"
.xx "reset(III) execute non-local" "goto"
.xx "greek(VII)" "graphics for extended ascii type-box"
.xx "plot(I) make a" "graph"
.xx "" "greek(VII) graphics for extended ascii type-box"
.xx "" "grep(I) search a file for a pattern"
.xx "getgid(II) get" "group identification"
.xx "setgid(II) set process" "group ID"
.xx "" "gtty(II) get typewriter status"
.xx "moo(VI)" "guessing game"
.xx "nohup(I) run a command immune to" "hangups"
.xx "hmul(III)" "high-order product"
.xx "wtmp(V) user login" "history"
.xx "" "hmul(III) high-order product"
.xx "hyphen(VI) find" "hyphenated words"
.xx "" "hyphen(VI) find hyphenated words"
.xx "hypot(III) calculate" "hypotenuse"
.xx "" "hypot(III) calculate hypotenuse"
.xx "clri(VIII) clear" "i-node"
.xx "ino(VIII) get the" "i-number of a file"
.xx "getgid(II) get group" "identification"
.xx "getuid(II) get user" "identification"
.xx "setgid(II) set process group" "ID"
.xx "setuid(II) set process user" "ID"
.xx "" "ierror(III) catch Fortran errors"
.xx "" "if(I) conditional command"
.xx "signal(II) catch or" "ignore signals"
.xx "core(V) format of core" "image file"
.xx "nohup(I) run a command" "immune to hangups"
.xx "uniq(I) report repeated lines" "in a file"
.xx "kill(I) do" "in an unwanted process"
.xx "ptx(VI) permuted" "index"
.xx "indir(II)" "indirect system call"
.xx "" "indir(II) indirect system call"
.xx "utmp(V) user" "information"
.xx "init(VII) process control" "initialization"
.xx "" "init(VII) process control initialization"
.xx "" "ino(VIII) get the i-number of a file"
.xx "getc(III) buffered" "input"
.xx "20boot(VIII)" "install new 11/20 system"
.xx "dsw(I) delete" "interactively"
.xx "tss(I)" "interface to MH-TSS"
.xx "cat(IV) phototypesetter" "interface"
.xx "dc(IV) DC-11 communications" "interface"
.xx "dn(IV) dn11 ACU" "interface"
.xx "dp(IV) dp11 201 data-phone" "interface"
.xx "tiu(IV) Spider" "interface"
.xx "tm(IV) TM-11/TU-10 magtape" "interface"
.xx "vs(IV) voice synthesizer" "interface"
.xx "vt(III) display (vt01)" "interface"
.xx "vt(IV) 11/20 (vt01)" "interface"
.xx "spline(VI)" "interpolate smooth curve"
.xx "sh(I) shell (command" "interpreter)"
.xx "fptrap(III) floating point" "interpreter"
.xx "sno(I) Snobol" "interpreter"
.xx "sleep(I) suspend execution for an" "interval"
.xx "sleep(II) stop execution for" "interval"
.xx "split(I) split a file" "into pieces"
.xx "bj(VI) the game of black" "jack"
.xx "" "kill(I) do in an unwanted process"
.xx "" "kill(II) send signal to a process"
.xx "kl(IV)" "KL-11/TTY-33 console typewriter"
.xx "" "kl(IV) KL-11/TTY-33 console typewriter"
.xx "" "ld(I) link editor"
.xx "" "ldiv(III) long division"
.xx "form(I) form" "letter generator"
.xx "fed(I) edit associative memory for form" "letter"
.xx "ar(I) archive and" "library maintainer"
.xx "ar(V) archive" "(library) file format"
.xx "opr(I) off" "line print"
.xx "comm(I) print" "lines common to two files"
.xx "uniq(I) report repeated" "lines in a file"
.xx "a.out(V) assembler and" "link editor output"
.xx "ld(I)" "link editor"
.xx "link(II)" "link to a file"
.xx "" "link(II) link to a file"
.xx "ln(I) make a" "link"
.xx "ls(I)" "list contents of directory"
.xx "cref(I) make cross reference" "listing"
.xx "nlist(III) get entries from name" "list"
.xx "nm(I) print name" "list"
.xx "" "ln(I) make a link"
.xx "log(III) natural" "logarithm"
.xx "" "log(III) natural logarithm"
.xx "wtmp(V) user" "login history"
.xx "passwd(I) set" "login password"
.xx "" "login(I) sign onto UNIX"
.xx "ldiv(III)" "long division"
.xx "nice(I) run a command at" "low priority"
.xx "" "ls(I) list contents of directory"
.xx "" "m6(VI) general purpose macro processor"
.xx "m6(VI) general purpose" "macro processor"
.xx "tm(IV) TM-11/TU-10" "magtape interface"
.xx "tp(I) manipulate DECtape and" "magtape"
.xx "mail(I) send" "mail to another user"
.xx "" "mail(I) send mail to another user"
.xx "ar(I) archive and library" "maintainer"
.xx "mknod(II)" "make a directory or a special file"
.xx "mkdir(I)" "make a directory"
.xx "plot(I)" "make a graph"
.xx "ln(I)" "make a link"
.xx "cref(I)" "make cross reference listing"
.xx "" "man(I) run off section of UNIX manual"
.xx "tp(I)" "manipulate DECtape and magtape"
.xx "man(I) run off section of UNIX" "manual"
.xx "ascii(VII)" "map of ASCII character set"
.xx "maze(VI) generate a" "maze problem"
.xx "" "maze(VI) generate a maze problem"
.xx "" "mem(IV) core memory"
.xx "fed(I) edit associative" "memory for form letter"
.xx "mem(IV) core" "memory"
.xx "merge(I)" "merge several files"
.xx "" "merge(I) merge several files"
.xx "" "mesg(I) permit or deny messages"
.xx "" "mesg(III) write message on typewriter"
.xx "mesg(III) write" "message on typewriter"
.xx "mesg(I) permit or deny" "messages"
.xx "perror(III) system error" "messages"
.xx "tss(I) interface to" "MH-TSS"
.xx "msh(VII)" "mini-shell"
.xx "" "mkdir(I) make a directory"
.xx "" "mkfs(VIII) construct a file system"
.xx "" "mknod(II) make a directory or a special file"
.xx "" "mknod(VIII) build special file"
.xx "chmod(II) change" "mode of file"
.xx "stty(II) set" "mode of typewriter"
.xx "chmod(I) change" "mode"
.xx "getty(VII) set typewriter" "mode"
.xx "" "moo(VI) guessing game"
.xx "mount(II)" "mount file system"
.xx "mount(VIII)" "mount file system"
.xx "" "mount(II) mount file system"
.xx "" "mount(VIII) mount file system"
.xx "mv(I)" "move or rename a file"
.xx "seek(II)" "move read/write pointer"
.xx "rp(IV) RP-11/RP03" "moving-head disk"
.xx "" "msh(VII) mini-shell"
.xx "" "mv(I) move or rename a file"
.xx "getpw(III) get" "name from UID"
.xx "nlist(III) get entries from" "name list"
.xx "nm(I) print" "name list"
.xx "ttyn(III) return" "name of current typewriter"
.xx "setfil(III) specify Fortran file" "name"
.xx "tty(I) get typewriter" "name"
.xx "" "nargs(III) argument count"
.xx "log(III)" "natural logarithm"
.xx "20boot(VIII) install" "new 11/20 system"
.xx "creat(II) create a" "new file"
.xx "fork(II) spawn" "new process"
.xx "" "nice(I) run a command at low priority"
.xx "" "nice(II) set program priority"
.xx "" "nlist(III) get entries from name list"
.xx "" "nm(I) print name list"
.xx "" "nohup(I) run a command immune to hangups"
.xx "reset(III) execute" "non-local goto"
.xx "" "nroff(I) format text"
.xx "rand(III) random" "number generator"
.xx "factor(I) discover prime factors of a" "number"
.xx "reloc(VIII) relocate" "object files"
.xx "size(I) size of an" "object file"
.xx "sky(VI)" "obtain ephemerides"
.xx "azel(VI)" "obtain satellite predictions"
.xx "od(I)" "octal dump"
.xx "" "od(I) octal dump"
.xx "opr(I)" "off line print"
.xx "man(I) run" "off section of UNIX manual"
.xx "login(I) sign" "onto UNIX"
.xx "dup(II) duplicate an" "open file descriptor"
.xx "fstat(II) get status of" "open file"
.xx "open(II)" "open for reading or writing"
.xx "" "open(II) open for reading or writing"
.xx "" "opr(I) off line print"
.xx "stty(I) set teletype" "options"
.xx "rk(IV) RK-11/RK03" "(or RK05) disk"
.xx "ecvt(III)" "output conversion"
.xx "a.out(V) assembler and link editor" "output"
.xx "putc(III) buffered" "output"
.xx "gerts(III) Gerts communication" "over 201"
.xx "ov(VI)" "overlay pages"
.xx "" "ov(VI) overlay pages"
.xx "chown(I) change" "owner"
.xx "chown(II) change" "owner"
.xx "ov(VI) overlay" "pages"
.xx "pc(IV) PC-11" "paper tape reader/punch"
.xx "" "passwd(I) set login password"
.xx "" "passwd(V) password file"
.xx "crypt(III)" "password encoding"
.xx "passwd(V)" "password file"
.xx "passwd(I) set login" "password"
.xx "grep(I) search a file for a" "pattern"
.xx "pc(IV)" "PC-11 paper tape reader/punch"
.xx "" "pc(IV) PC-11 paper tape reader/punch"
.xx "update(VIII)" "periodically update the super block"
.xx "mesg(I)" "permit or deny messages"
.xx "ptx(VI)" "permuted index"
.xx "" "perror(III) system error messages"
.xx "" "pfe(I) print floating exception"
.xx "dpd(VII) spawn data" "phone daemon"
.xx "cat(IV)" "phototypesetter interface"
.xx "catsim(I)" "phototypesetter simulator"
.xx "split(I) split a file into" "pieces"
.xx "" "pipe(II) create a pipe"
.xx "pipe(II) create a" "pipe"
.xx "" "plot(I) make a graph"
.xx "fptrap(III) floating" "point interpreter"
.xx "seek(II) move read/write" "pointer"
.xx "typo(I) find" "possible typos"
.xx "" "pow(III) floating exponentiation"
.xx "azel(VI) obtain satellite" "predictions"
.xx "" "pr(I) print file"
.xx "factor(I) discover" "prime factors of a number"
.xx "date(I)" "print and set the date"
.xx "cal(VI)" "print calendar"
.xx "pr(I)" "print file"
.xx "pfe(I)" "print floating exception"
.xx "comm(I)" "print lines common to two files"
.xx "nm(I)" "print name list"
.xx "" "printf(III) formatted print"
.xx "cat(I) concatenate and" "print"
.xx "opr(I) off line" "print"
.xx "printf(III) formatted" "print"
.xx "nice(I) run a command at low" "priority"
.xx "nice(II) set program" "priority"
.xx "su(VIII) become" "privileged user"
.xx "maze(VI) generate a maze" "problem"
.xx "boot" "procedures(VIII) UNIX startup"
.xx "init(VII)" "process control initialization"
.xx "setgid(II) set" "process group ID"
.xx "ps(I)" "process status"
.xx "times(II) get" "process times"
.xx "wait(II) wait for" "process to die"
.xx "setuid(II) set" "process user ID"
.xx "m6(VI) general purpose macro" "processor"
.xx "exit(II) terminate" "process"
.xx "fork(II) spawn new" "process"
.xx "kill(I) do in an unwanted" "process"
.xx "kill(II) send signal to a" "process"
.xx "wait(I) await completion of" "process"
.xx "hmul(III) high-order" "product"
.xx "break(II) set" "program break"
.xx "nice(II) set" "program priority"
.xx "" "proof(I) compare two text files"
.xx "" "ps(I) process status"
.xx "" "ptx(VI) permuted index"
.xx "m6(VI) general" "purpose macro processor"
.xx "" "putchar(III) write character"
.xx "" "putc(III) buffered output"
.xx "" "qsort(III) quicker sort"
.xx "compar(III) default comparison routine for" "qsort"
.xx "qsort(III)" "quicker sort"
.xx "" "rand(III) random number generator"
.xx "rand(III)" "random number generator"
.xx "getchar(III)" "read character"
.xx "csw(II)" "read console switches"
.xx "read(II)" "read from file"
.xx "seek(II) move" "read/write pointer"
.xx "pc(IV) PC-11 paper tape" "reader/punch"
.xx "" "read(II) read from file"
.xx "open(II) open for" "reading or writing"
.xx "cref(I) make cross" "reference listing"
.xx "reloc(VIII)" "relocate object files"
.xx "strip(I) remove symbols and" "relocation bits"
.xx "" "reloc(VIII) relocate object files"
.xx "unlink(II)" "remove directory entry"
.xx "rmdir(I)" "remove directory"
.xx "strip(I)" "remove symbols and relocation bits"
.xx "rm(I)" "remove (unlink) files"
.xx "mv(I) move or" "rename a file"
.xx "uniq(I) report" "repeated lines in a file"
.xx "uniq(I)" "report repeated lines in a file"
.xx "" "reset(III) execute non-local goto"
.xx "da(IV) voice" "response unit"
.xx "ttyn(III)" "return name of current typewriter"
.xx "" "rew(I) rewind tape"
.xx "rew(I)" "rewind tape"
.xx "rf(IV)" "RF11/RS11 fixed-head disk file"
.xx "" "rf(IV) RF11/RS11 fixed-head disk file"
.xx "rk(IV)" "RK-11/RK03 (or RK05) disk"
.xx "rk(IV) RK-11/RK03 (or" "RK05) disk"
.xx "" "rk(IV) RK-11/RK03 (or RK05) disk"
.xx "" "rmdir(I) remove directory"
.xx "" "rm(I) remove (unlink) files"
.xx "" "roff(I) format text"
.xx "sqrt(III) square" "root function"
.xx "compar(III) default comparison" "routine for qsort"
.xx "rp(IV)" "RP-11/RP03 moving-head disk"
.xx "" "rp(IV) RP-11/RP03 moving-head disk"
.xx "nice(I)" "run a command at low priority"
.xx "nohup(I)" "run a command immune to hangups"
.xx "man(I)" "run off section of UNIX manual"
.xx "azel(VI) obtain" "satellite predictions"
.xx "grep(I)" "search a file for a pattern"
.xx "man(I) run off" "section of UNIX manual"
.xx "" "seek(II) move read/write pointer"
.xx "mail(I)" "send mail to another user"
.xx "kill(II)" "send signal to a process"
.xx "passwd(I)" "set login password"
.xx "stty(II)" "set mode of typewriter"
.xx "setgid(II)" "set process group ID"
.xx "setuid(II)" "set process user ID"
.xx "break(II)" "set program break"
.xx "nice(II)" "set program priority"
.xx "tabs(VII)" "set tab stops"
.xx "stty(I)" "set teletype options"
.xx "date(I) print and" "set the date"
.xx "stime(II)" "set time"
.xx "getty(VII)" "set typewriter mode"
.xx "" "setfil(III) specify Fortran file name"
.xx "" "setgid(II) set process group ID"
.xx "" "setuid(II) set process user ID"
.xx "ascii(VII) map of ASCII character" "set"
.xx "merge(I) merge" "several files"
.xx "tmheader(VII) TM cover" "sheet"
.xx "shift(I) adjust" "Shell arguments"
.xx "sh(I)" "shell (command interpreter)"
.xx "" "sh(I) shell (command interpreter)"
.xx "" "shift(I) adjust Shell arguments"
.xx "login(I)" "sign onto UNIX"
.xx "kill(II) send" "signal to a process"
.xx "" "signal(II) catch or ignore signals"
.xx "signal(II) catch or ignore" "signals"
.xx "catsim(I) phototypesetter" "simulator"
.xx "sin(III)" "sine, cosine"
.xx "" "sin(III) sine, cosine"
.xx "size(I)" "size of an object file"
.xx "" "size(I) size of an object file"
.xx "" "sky(VI) obtain ephemerides"
.xx "" "sleep(I) suspend execution for an interval"
.xx "" "sleep(II) stop execution for interval"
.xx "spline(VI) interpolate" "smooth curve"
.xx "sno(I)" "Snobol interpreter"
.xx "" "sno(I) Snobol interpreter"
.xx "sort(I)" "sort a file"
.xx "" "sort(I) sort a file"
.xx "qsort(III) quicker" "sort"
.xx "dpd(VII)" "spawn data phone daemon"
.xx "fork(II)" "spawn new process"
.xx "" "speak(I) word to voice translator"
.xx "mknod(II) make a directory or a" "special file"
.xx "mknod(VIII) build" "special file"
.xx "setfil(III)" "specify Fortran file name"
.xx "tiu(IV)" "Spider interface"
.xx "" "spline(VI) interpolate smooth curve"
.xx "split(I)" "split a file into pieces"
.xx "" "split(I) split a file into pieces"
.xx "" "sqrt(III) square root function"
.xx "sqrt(III)" "square root function"
.xx "boot procedures(VIII) UNIX" "startup"
.xx "" "stat(II) get file status"
.xx "fstat(II) get" "status of open file"
.xx "gtty(II) get typewriter" "status"
.xx "ps(I) process" "status"
.xx "stat(II) get file" "status"
.xx "" "stime(II) set time"
.xx "sleep(II)" "stop execution for interval"
.xx "tabs(VII) set tab" "stops"
.xx "" "strip(I) remove symbols and relocation bits"
.xx "" "stty(I) set teletype options"
.xx "" "stty(II) set mode of typewriter"
.xx "sum(I)" "sum file"
.xx "" "sum(I) sum file"
.xx "du(I)" "summarize disk usage"
.xx "sync(VIII) update the" "super block"
.xx "update(VIII) periodically update the" "super block"
.xx "sync(II) update" "super-block"
.xx "sleep(I)" "suspend execution for an interval"
.xx "" "su(VIII) become privileged user"
.xx "switch(III)" "switch on value"
.xx "csw(II) read console" "switches"
.xx "" "switch(III) switch on value"
.xx "strip(I) remove" "symbols and relocation bits"
.xx "" "sync(II) update super-block"
.xx "" "sync(VIII) update the super block"
.xx "vs(VII) voice" "synthesizer code"
.xx "vs(IV) voice" "synthesizer interface"
.xx "indir(II) indirect" "system call"
.xx "check(VIII) file" "system consistency check"
.xx "perror(III)" "system error messages"
.xx "fs(V) format of file" "system volume"
.xx "20boot(VIII) install new 11/20" "system"
.xx "mkfs(VIII) construct a file" "system"
.xx "mount(II) mount file" "system"
.xx "mount(VIII) mount file" "system"
.xx "umount(II) dismount file" "system"
.xx "umount(VIII) dismount file" "system"
.xx "who(I) who is on the" "system"
.xx "tabs(VII) set" "tab stops"
.xx "" "tabs(VII) set tab stops"
.xx "atan(III) arc" "tangent function"
.xx "tp(V) DEC/mag" "tape formats"
.xx "pc(IV) PC-11 paper" "tape reader/punch"
.xx "rew(I) rewind" "tape"
.xx "tc(IV)" "TC-11/TU56 DECtape"
.xx "" "tc(IV) TC-11/TU56 DECtape"
.xx "stty(I) set" "teletype options"
.xx "exit(I)" "terminate command file"
.xx "exit(II)" "terminate process"
.xx "proof(I) compare two" "text files"
.xx "nroff(I) format" "text"
.xx "roff(I) format" "text"
.xx "troff(I) format" "text"
.xx "cubic(VI)" "three dimensional tic-tac-toe"
.xx "cubic(VI) three dimensional" "tic-tac-toe"
.xx "ttt(VI)" "tic-tac-toe"
.xx "time(I)" "time a command"
.xx "ctime(III) convert date and" "time to ASCII"
.xx "" "time(I) time a command"
.xx "" "time(II) get date and time"
.xx "" "times(II) get process times"
.xx "times(II) get process" "times"
.xx "stime(II) set" "time"
.xx "time(II) get date and" "time"
.xx "" "tiu(IV) Spider interface"
.xx "tmheader(VII)" "TM cover sheet"
.xx "tm(IV)" "TM-11/TU-10 magtape interface"
.xx "" "tmg(VI) compiler-compiler"
.xx "" "tmheader(VII) TM cover sheet"
.xx "" "tm(IV) TM-11/TU-10 magtape interface"
.xx "" "tp(I) manipulate DECtape and magtape"
.xx "" "tp(V) DEC/mag tape formats"
.xx "goto(I) command" "transfer"
.xx "speak(I) word to voice" "translator"
.xx "tr(I)" "transliterate"
.xx "" "tr(I) transliterate"
.xx "" "troff(I) format text"
.xx "" "tss(I) interface to MH-TSS"
.xx "" "ttt(VI) tic-tac-toe"
.xx "" "tty(I) get typewriter name"
.xx "" "ttyn(III) return name of current typewriter"
.xx "cmp(I) compare" "two files"
.xx "comm(I) print lines common to" "two files"
.xx "proof(I) compare" "two text files"
.xx "type(I)" "type on 2741"
.xx "greek(VII) graphics for extended ascii" "type-box"
.xx "" "type(I) type on 2741"
.xx "getty(VII) set" "typewriter mode"
.xx "tty(I) get" "typewriter name"
.xx "gtty(II) get" "typewriter status"
.xx "kl(IV) KL-11/TTY-33 console" "typewriter"
.xx "mesg(III) write message on" "typewriter"
.xx "stty(II) set mode of" "typewriter"
.xx "ttyn(III) return name of current" "typewriter"
.xx "" "typo(I) find possible typos"
.xx "typo(I) find possible" "typos"
.xx "getpw(III) get name from" "UID"
.xx "" "umount(II) dismount file system"
.xx "" "umount(VIII) dismount file system"
.xx "" "uniq(I) report repeated lines in a file"
.xx "da(IV) voice response" "unit"
.xx "man(I) run off section of" "UNIX manual"
.xx "boot procedures(VIII)" "UNIX startup"
.xx "login(I) sign onto" "UNIX"
.xx "rm(I) remove" "(unlink) files"
.xx "" "unlink(II) remove directory entry"
.xx "kill(I) do in an" "unwanted process"
.xx "sync(II)" "update super-block"
.xx "sync(VIII)" "update the super block"
.xx "update(VIII) periodically" "update the super block"
.xx "" "update(VIII) periodically update the super block"
.xx "du(I) summarize disk" "usage"
.xx "getuid(II) get" "user identification"
.xx "setuid(II) set process" "user ID"
.xx "utmp(V)" "user information"
.xx "wtmp(V)" "user login history"
.xx "mail(I) send mail to another" "user"
.xx "su(VIII) become privileged" "user"
.xx "write(I) write to another" "user"
.xx "" "utmp(V) user information"
.xx "switch(III) switch on" "value"
.xx "da(IV)" "voice response unit"
.xx "vs(VII)" "voice synthesizer code"
.xx "vs(IV)" "voice synthesizer interface"
.xx "speak(I) word to" "voice translator"
.xx "fs(V) format of file system" "volume"
.xx "" "vs(IV) voice synthesizer interface"
.xx "" "vs(VII) voice synthesizer code"
.xx "vt(III) display" "(vt01) interface"
.xx "vt(IV) 11/20" "(vt01) interface"
.xx "" "vt(III) display (vt01) interface"
.xx "" "vt(IV) 11/20 (vt01) interface"
.xx "wait(II)" "wait for process to die"
.xx "" "wait(I) await completion of process"
.xx "" "wait(II) wait for process to die"
.xx "" "wc(I) get (English) word count"
.xx "who(I)" "who is on the system"
.xx "" "who(I) who is on the system"
.xx "wc(I) get (English)" "word count"
.xx "speak(I)" "word to voice translator"
.xx "hyphen(VI) find hyphenated" "words"
.xx "chdir(I) change" "working directory"
.xx "chdir(II) change" "working directory"
.xx "putchar(III)" "write character"
.xx "mesg(III)" "write message on typewriter"
.xx "write(II)" "write on a file"
.xx "write(I)" "write to another user"
.xx "" "write(I) write to another user"
.xx "" "write(II) write on a file"
.xx "open(II) open for reading or" "writing"
.xx "" "wtmp(V) user login history"
.xx "" "yacc(VI) yet another compiler-compiler"
.xx "yacc(VI)" "yet another compiler-compiler"