
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.xx "ar" "archive and library maintainer"
.xx "as" "assembler"
.xx "bas" "basic"
.xx "cat" "concatenate and print"
.xx "catsim" "phototypesetter simulator"
.xx "cc" "C compiler"
.xx "cdb" "C debugger"
.xx "chdir" "change working directory"
.xx "chmod" "change mode"
.xx "chown" "change owner"
.xx "cmp" "compare two files"
.xx "comm" "print lines common to two files"
.xx "cp" "copy"
.xx "cref" "make cross reference listing"
.xx "date" "print and set the date"
.xx "db" "debug"
.xx "dc" "desk calculator"
.xx "dsw" "delete interactively"
.xx "du" "summarize disk usage"
.xx "echo" "echo arguments "
.xx "ed" "editor"
.xx "exit" "terminate command file"
.xx "factor" "discover prime factors of a number"
.xx "fc" "fortran compiler"
.xx "fed" "edit associative memory for form letter"
.xx "file" "determine format of file"
.xx "form" "form letter generator"
.xx "goto" "command transfer"
.xx "grep" "search a file for a pattern"
.xx "if" "conditional command"
.xx "kill" "do in an unwanted process"
.xx "ld" "link editor"
.xx "ln" "make a link"
.xx "login" "sign onto UNIX"
.xx "ls" "list contents of directory"
.xx "mail" "send mail to another user"
.xx "man" "run off section of UNIX manual"
.xx "merge" "merge several files"
.xx "mesg" "permit or deny messages"
.xx "mkdir" "make a directory"
.xx "mv" "move or rename a file"
.xx "nice" "run a command at low priority"
.xx "nm" "print name list"
.xx "nohup" "run a command immune to hangups"
.xx "nroff" "format text"
.xx "od" "octal dump"
.xx "opr" "off line print"
.xx "passwd" "set login password"
.xx "pfe" "print floating exception"
.xx "plot" "make a graph"
.xx "pr" "print file"
.xx "proof" "compare two text files"
.xx "ps" "process status"
.xx "rew" "rewind tape"
.xx "rm" "remove (unlink) files"
.xx "rmdir" "remove directory"
.xx "roff" "format text"
.xx "sh" "shell (command interpreter)"
.xx "shift" "adjust Shell arguments"
.xx "size" "size of an object file"
.xx "sleep" "suspend execution for an interval"
.xx "sno" "Snobol interpreter"
.xx "sort" "sort a file"
.xx "speak" "word to voice translator"
.xx "split" "split a file into pieces"
.xx "strip" "remove symbols and relocation bits"
.xx "stty" "set teletype options"
.xx "sum" "sum file"
.xx "time" "time a command"
.xx "tp" "manipulate DECtape and magtape"
.xx "tr" "transliterate"
.xx "troff" "format text"
.xx "tss" "interface to MH-TSS"
.xx "tty" "get typewriter name"
.xx "type" "type on 2741"
.xx "typo" "find possible typos"
.xx "uniq" "report repeated lines in a file"
.xx "wait" "await completion of process"
.xx "wc" "get (English) word count"
.xx "who" "who is on the system"
.xx "write" "write to another user"