
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.xx "atan" "arc tangent function"
.xx "atof" "ascii to floating"
.xx "compar" "default comparison routine for qsort"
.xx "crypt" "password encoding"
.xx "ctime" "convert date and time to ASCII"
.xx "ecvt" "output conversion"
.xx "exp" "exponential function"
.xx "fptrap" "floating point interpreter"
.xx "gerts" "Gerts communication over 201"
.xx "getc" "buffered input"
.xx "getchar" "read character"
.xx "getpw" "get name from UID"
.xx "hmul" "high-order product"
.xx "hypot" "calculate hypotenuse"
.xx "ierror" "catch Fortran errors"
.xx "ldiv" "long division"
.xx "log" "natural logarithm"
.xx "mesg" "write message on typewriter"
.xx "nargs" "argument count"
.xx "nlist" "get entries from name list"
.xx "perror" "system error messages"
.xx "pow" "floating exponentiation"
.xx "printf" "formatted print"
.xx "putc" "buffered output"
.xx "putchar" "write character"
.xx "qsort" "quicker sort"
.xx "rand" "random number generator"
.xx "reset" "execute non-local goto"
.xx "setfil" "specify Fortran file name"
.xx "sin" "sine, cosine"
.xx "sqrt" "square root function"
.xx "switch" "switch on value"
.xx "ttyn" "return name of current typewriter"
.xx "vt" "display (vt01) interface"