
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.th LS I 8/20/73
.sh NAME
ls  \*-  list contents of directory
.bd ls
.bd \*-ltasdru
] name ...
For each directory argument,
.it ls
lists the contents of the directory;
for each file argument,
.it ls
repeats its name and any other information requested.
The output is sorted alphabetically by default.
When no argument is given, the current directory is listed.
When several arguments are given,
the arguments are first sorted appropriately,
but file arguments appear
before directories and their contents.
There are several options:
.lp +4 4
\fB\*-l\fR	list in long format, giving mode, number of links, owner,
size in bytes, and time of last modification
for each file.
(See below.)
.lp +4 4
\fB\*-t\fR	sort by time modified (latest first) instead of
by name, as is normal
.lp +4 4
\fB\*-a\fR	list all entries; usually those beginning with `\fB.\fR' are
.lp +4 4
\fB\*-s\fR	give size in blocks for each entry
.lp +4 4
\fB\*-d\fR	if argument is a directory, list only its name, not
its contents (mostly used with
.bd \*-l
to get status
on directory)
.lp +4 4
\fB\*-r\fR	reverse the order of sort to get reverse alphabetic
or oldest first as appropriate
.lp +4 4
\fB\*-u\fR	use time of last access instead of last
modification for sorting (\fB\*-t\fR) or printing
The mode printed under the
.bd \*-l
option contains 10 characters
which are interpreted
as follows:
the first character is
.lp +3 3
\fBd\fR	if the entry is a directory;
.lp +3 3
\fBb\fR	if the entry is a block-type special file;
.lp +3 3
\fBc\fR	if the entry is a character-type special file;
.lp +3 3
\fB\*-\fR	if the entry is a plain file.
The next 9 characters are interpreted
as three sets of three bits each.
The first set refers to owner permissions;
the next to permissions to others in the same user-group;
and the last to all others.
Within each set the three characters indicate
permission respectively to read, to write, or to
execute the file as a program.
For a directory, `execute' permission is interpreted
to mean permission to search the directory
for a specified file.
The permissions are indicated as follows:
.lp +3 3
\fBr\fR	if the file is readable
.lp +3 3
\fBw\fR	if the file is writable
.lp +3 3
\fBx\fR	if the file is executable
.lp +3 3
\fB\*-\fR	if the indicated permission is not granted
Finally, the group-execute permission character is given
.bd s
if the file has set-group-ID mode;
likewise the user-execute permission character is given
.bd s
if the file has set-user-ID mode.
/etc/passwd to get user ID's for
\fBls \*-l\fR.
.sh BUGS