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.th MERGE I 11/7/73
.sh NAME
merge \*- merge several files
.bd merge
.bd \*-anr
] [ \fB\*-\fIn\fR ] [ \fB+\fIn\fR ] [ name ... ]
.it Merge
merges several files together
and writes the result on
the standard output.
If a file
is designated by
an unadorned `\*-',
the standard input is understood.
The merge is line-by-line in increasing ASCII collating sequence,
except that upper-case letters are considered
the same as the corresponding lower-case letters.
.it Merge
understands several flag arguments.
.lp +4 4
\fB\*-a\fR	Use strict ASCII collating sequence.
.lp +4 4
\fB\*-n\fR	An initial numeric string, possibly preceded by '\*-',
is sorted by numerical value.
.lp +4 4
\fB\*-r\fR	Data is in reverse order.
.lp +4 4
\fB\*-\fIn\fR	The first \fIn\fR fields in each line
are ignored.  A field is defined as a string of non-space, non-tab
characters separated by tabs and spaces from its neighbors.
.lp +4 4
\fB+\fIn\fR	The first \fIn\fR characters are ignored.
Fields (with \fB\*-\fIn\fR)
are skipped before characters.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
.sh BUGS
Only 8 files can be handled;
any further files are ignored.