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.th STTY I 6/12/72
.sh NAME
stty \*- set teletype options
.bd stty
option ...
.it Stty
will set certain I/O options on the current output teletype.
The option strings are
selected from the following set:
.lp +10 10
\fBeven\fR	allow even parity
.lp +10 10
\fB\*-even\fR	disallow even parity
.lp +10 10
\fBodd\fR	allow odd parity
.lp +10 10
\fB\*-odd\fR	disallow odd parity
.lp +10 10
\fBraw\fR	raw mode input
(no erase, kill, interrupt, quit, EOT; parity bit passed back)
.lp +10 10
\fB\*-raw\fR	negate raw mode
.lp +10 10
\fB\*-nl\fR	allow carriage return for new-line,
and output CR-LF for carriage return or new-line
.lp +10 10
\fBnl\fR	accept only new-line to end lines
.lp +10 10
\fBecho\fR	echo back every character typed
.lp +10 10
\fB\*-echo\fR	do not echo characters
.lp +10 10
\fBlcase\fR	map upper case to lower case
.lp +10 10
\fB\*-lcase\fR	do not map case
.lp +10 10
\fB\*-tabs\fR	replace tabs by spaces in output
.lp +10 10
\fBtabs\fR	preserve tabs
.lp +10 10
\fBdelay\fR	calculate cr, tab, and form-feed delays
.lp +10 10
\fB\*-delay\fR	no cr/tab/ff delays
.lp +10 10
\fBtdelay\fR	calculate tab delays
.lp +10 10
\fB\*-tdelay\fR	no tab delays
.sh "SEE ALSO"
.sh BUGS
There should be `package'
options such as
.bd execuport,
.bd 33,
.bd terminet.